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Mike Marko Releases Update To Imarketslive Review

August 26, 2016 – – Mike Marko with Internet Marketing Consultant Services in Cincinnati, Ohio, who regularly offers reviews on marketing programs and software, has updated his review of imarketslive. Marko wrote a review on this several months ago, when he first learned of the program’s popularity. He states that the program is still going strong, although as with all things, it will begin to slow down over time. He recently stated that there are two ways to approach imarketslive: as a trader or as an online business opportunity.

Mike Marko helps those choosing the online business opportunity route by mentoring how to market their business online. “People can try to go it alone and do it the “free method” but that takes months if not years longer. Even we hired mentors and consultants to help guide us to where we are today. Now we help others achieve their goals online,” he says.

Marko says that it is not at all uncommon for a program to waver over time. He points out that an online business is something that must be continually marketed in order to remain successful. This, he says, is why he is offering a coaching program to help those who have decided to take their online marketing efforts to a higher level.

In his original imarketslive review, Marko gave it the thumbs up. He says that he doesn’t contradict that positivity now, just that he wants those interested in using this program to better understand it.

“Just like everything, you have to work at it,” Marko explains. “We’re helping those who want to take this to the mountaintop, because we do believe in the system. I just know that like anything, you have to be willing to put in the time to make it successful.”

Marko says that the program is still relatively popular, although he believes it would be more popular if those using it had help in getting past their plateau. He recommends that anyone using the system might want to get a mentor to guide them in the beginning to ensure that they reach the level of success that they desire.

More about the imarketslive review and the team at Internet Marketing Consultant Services can be seen on the company’s official website.


Contact Internet Marketing Consultant Services:

Mike Marko
PO Box 62451
Cincinnati, OH 45262

ReleaseID: 60012017

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