Montem Outdoor Gear Launch Newly Redesigned Web Presence To Showcase Their Products
Montem Outdoor Gear create unique, high-quality hiking equipment, and has now launched a brand-new web presence to better put the spotlight on their innovative and hardwearing designs.
New York, United States – November 30, 2017 /MarketersMedia/ —
Montem Outdoor Gear has today launched a brand new online presence, to showcase their high quality, affordable hiking gear to the world. The website features a brand-new design, integrated online store, and refreshed branding for the company, who are going from strength to strength after glowing reviews from key influencers in their market. The website makes it easy to buy, share and find out more about their bags, trekking poles, blankets and more.
The new website has been created using a fully responsive framework, loading seamlessly on any device or screen size. The new design makes use of a custom layout and stunning original photography that helps evoke the sense of adventure their customers are motivated by. What’s more, the site offers reviews and testimonials of their flagship products right on the homepage.
People discovering the site for the first time can see a full breakdown of their current product range, with ready access to the in-built online store. Each product listed comes with high quality imagery, a detailed description, easy-to-select options for sizing and colours, and fast and secure payment options. Those signing up to the newsletter can even receive a 10% discount on their next order.
A spokesperson for Montem Outdoor Gear explained, “We are thrilled to be able to launch our new website, which better reflects where we are as a company, while offering a superior experience to our growing customer base. Montem was created by hikers, for hikers, and we have spent years developing our product range piece by piece, crafting each item so that it is as lightweight, durable and high quality as possible before moving on to the next. The reviews we have received speak for themselves, and this new website will make it easier than ever for people to purchase our products, and change their hiking experience for the better.”
About Montem Outdoor Gear: Montem Outdoor Gear design and develop outdoor gear for hikers, by hikers. Their online store features unique products including hiking poles, backpacks, blankets, dry bags and more. The company was founded by hiking enthusiasts who believed high quality, more affordable adventure gear was not only possible, but necessary. They continue to develop and release new products, which offer best-in-class performance using the latest materials.
Contact Info:
Name: Montem Outdoor Gear
Organization: Montem Outdoor Gear
Address: 20 Avenue A, New York, NY 10009
Phone: (646) 846-8765
For more information, please visit
Source: MarketersMedia
Release ID: 271300