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MOROS NET Launches Movement To Decentralize The Power Of AI

MOROS NET is a newly established movement, aiming to decentralize AI and to reshape the power imbalance that currently defines the space within the tech world. They are doing this through an ongoing grant program that is already working with two aligned initiatives.

United States – December 5, 2023

In an era increasingly reliant on screen-based interactions, the unprecedented developments at OpenAI and their CEO, Sam Altman, have drawn attention to the severe implications of unchecked AI power. While AI advancements do bring transformative potential, unrestricted AI authority poses an unsettling prospect.

Detractors standing at the crossroads of technology and philosophy, or so-called ‘AI doomers’, envision a troubling future dictated by a single entity wielding unchecked control over AI – a tool set to revolutionize our societal fabric.

The grim narrative of job loss due to AI-powered automation takes center stage, with AI’s capabilities expanding with its sophistication. Both blue-collar and white-collar professions, from manufacturing to law and journalism, are vulnerable to the AI invasion. This rapid shift could have catastrophic implications for those unprepared for such disruption.

Walking hand in hand with the looming shadow of job displacement is the disturbing reality of surveillance. AI-driven facial recognition technologies champion an avenue to a surveilled state, encroaching on privacy and setting the stage for an Orwellian future.

Furthermore, the potential weaponization of AI by corrupt forces is a real concern. The concentration of such power can lead to devastating consequences, from widespread disinformation to manipulations of data and public sentiment.

Against this backdrop strides in MOROS NET, self-dubbed as the ‘Radical AI Decentralization Movement’. Rather than conforming to AI’s rules, MOROS aims to reshape the landscape, challenging the power dynamic inherent within conventional AI technology.

MOROS envisions a world where power is decentralized, access to technology is democratized, and AI technology evolves as a collective endeavor. Central to this movement is the ambition to financially back projects that disrupt the AI status quo, creating an environment where technological progression doesn’t spell doom for humanity. It is doing this, in part, through grants for open source AI projects.

The pioneering MOROS Community Grant Program provides resources to projects capable of sparking change in our AI-centric reality. Their inaugural grant beneficiary, ‘Shoggoth Network’, is a decentralized peer-to-peer network dedicated to disseminating open-source code, machine learning models, datasets, and research papers.

The project integrates critical elements from GitHub and HuggingFace, contributing to the open-source community and driving AI democratization. By eradicating centralized data control, Shoggoth safeguards against censorship and upholds the freedom of expression.

Fanning the flames of this revolutionary movement, MOROS has elected Alignment Lab as the second grant awardee. This ambitious project aims to develop personal models capable of interpreting and responding to user inputs with a deep level of understanding and expressiveness. Leveraging affordable local hardware, Alignment Lab brings us one step closer to comprehensive user interaction with AI models, underscoring MOROS’s commitment to challenging conventional AI power structures.

In addition to stimulating radical projects, MOROS maintains a fervent stance in the battle for an educated global community. Its exclusive collection of free courses, ranging from data literacy to Python coding, lights a guiding torch for those lagging in the race of technological advancement.

Through its actions, MOROS outlines a path that counteracts the prophecy of an impending AI apocalypse. By financing groundbreaking projects and making education accessible, they reassure those intimidated by the looming specter of AI domination.

Defying the narrative of a dystopian future in the hands of an elite minority, MOROS ensures that AI’s future is dictated by the collective. As the world fixes its gaze on the evolution of AI, MOROS is penning a story of relentless resilience – delivering the message that the future is ours to shape. It seems that the revolution has just begun.

For more information about MOROS NET use the contact details below:

Contact Info:
Email: Send Email
Organization: MOROS NET
Website: https://morosnet.com/funded-projects/

Release ID: 89115251

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