NANOE Governors Nominees Documentary Melinda Gates Jimmy LaRose Dan Pallotta
BROKEN FOR GOOD: The Way Charity Works in the United States of America is MUST SEE VIEWING for foundations and philanthropists who have the power to give nonprofits what they really need, freedom to implement new practices that respond to specific needs of their community.
Washington, United States – July 5, 2017 /PressCable/ —
Washington, D.C. – July 5, 2017 – This week, NANOE Governors (and NANOE Nominees) were treated to an updated development reel of a new documentary film featuring Melinda Gates, Jimmy LaRose, Kathleen Robinson, Diana Ruano, Dan Pallotta, Juanita Wheeler & Nate Ware.
For an exclusive online viewing of BROKEN FOR GOOD please visit
The film, and its clever name, BROKEN FOR GOOD: The Way Charity Works in the United States of America, takes the public on a wild ride into the upside down world of nonprofit management. Hailed as both provocative and uplifting BROKEN FOR GOOD (BFG) uses an “emperor has no clothes” approach to confront the “crazy-making” that’s paralyzed the charitable sector for the past fifty years. Relying on vivid story-telling and provocative confrontation BFG “challenges the existing order of things” inspiring society to solve global problems by first transforming the nonprofits in whom they invest.
BFG is based, in part, on Jimmy LaRose’s RE-IMAGINING PHILANTHROPY and the work of Dr. Kathleen Robinson of Clemson University. Also featured are Melinda Gates of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Dan Pallotta of the Charity Defense Council, Juanita Wheeler of Full & Frank, Nat Ware of 180 Degree Consulting and Diana Ruano of the UN Refugee Programme.
Jimmy LaRose is fond of sharing, “Somewhere along the way, people came to believe that if a nonprofit paid competitive salaries, they were taking money away from the population they were created to serve. Nonprofits could accomplish so much more if they operated like a for-profit business. In the corporate world, if you don’t accomplish your objectives, your business fails.” He went on to say, “You can’t accomplish your objectives without the appropriate tools, including well educated, well paid staff. When for-profit businesses pay their employees competitive salaries, it doesn’t mean their product will be sub-standard! On the contrary, it means they will get a better product. Armed with the right tools, nonprofits could be just as successful as our most profitable corporations. Imagine that!”
To learn more about Jimmy LaRose visit
To learn more about Kathleen Robinson visit
BROKEN FOR GOOD is currently in development and will be globally released Fall 2018.
Contact Info:
Name: Kathleen Robinson
Organization: National Association of Nonprofit Organizations & Executives
Address: 712 H Street Northeast, Washington, DC 20002, United States
Phone: +1-800-257-6670
For more information, please visit
Source: PressCable
Release ID: 213671