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Neocol and Workato Announce a Strategic Partnership to Deliver Process-Centric, Cloud-Based Content Solutions

Cupertino, CA and Naperville, IL – August 15, 2016 – Neocol and Workato today announced a partnership to bring cloud-based workflow automation and integration to organizations of all sizes. These automations power content-centric work demands with on-premise systems and databases, along with an array of cloud-based content services and communications mediums. Together, Neocol and Workato will bring scalable, nimble and extensible process integrations and robotic processing to remove menial tasks from employees, allowing more time to focus on providing next generation customer experiences.

In conjunction with Box’s content management platform, Neocol is taking full advantage of Workato’s recipes and pre-configured integrations to create solution accelerators to help clients better service customers and greatly reduce the risk of failure. Initial successes have already been realized in banking, government, business services and transportation.

Workato is used by more than 21,000 organizations, including some of the world’s top brands and processes more than 4 billion integration events per year.

“We’re excited to bring a modern ECM solution to market with Neocol’s solution-building expertise, Box’s enterprise content management platform, and Workato as the automation and integration platform to orchestrate workflows,” said Markus Zirn, VP of Business Development at Workato. “This repeatable set of complex content automation can be used by companies of all sizes and is a game changer when it comes to driving digital transformation and innovation.”

“Workato allows us to quickly prototype and integrate, allowing our clients to identify new ways to automate work and case-centric workloads,” said Ryan Lott, CEO of Neocol. “We are impressed with their pre-configured ‘recipes’ to kick-start and bring standards to any organization in loan processing, claims, HR onboarding, contract automation and other areas of a business.”

About Workato
Workato, an iPaaS leader trusted by over 21,000 organizations, is the only platform for intelligent automations providing enterprise integration, process automation, and a citizen experience, enabling business users and IT to collaborate in order to build, operate and rollout automations without compromising security and governance. The world’s top brands run on Workato including the #1 enterprise collaboration company, #1 bakery cafe chain, #1 big data company, #1 cloud content management company, #1 home improvement company, #1 professional soccer league, and more. Learn more at http://www.workato.com

About Neocol
Neocol is a leading system architect and integrator of cloud-centric content solutions to innovate new ways to work with over 15 years of enterprise expertise solving the biggest problems. The company offers a diverse array of capabilities to bring about a transformative view in how cloud-centric services and Box Platform can better engage customers, minimize IT cost and maintain content compliance. Using the newest born-in-the-cloud content services examples include client portals, digital intake centers, case management and 360-degree customer views are possible while maximizing the use of existing systems and processes. For more information, please visit http://www.neocol.com

Tom Rieger

Release ID: 257054

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