New Austin Lawn Service Starts Sale 7-16-15

Catheys Lawn Care announced the launch of their new Austin Lawn Service Sale, beginning 7-16-15.
Austin, USA – July 16, 2015 /PressCable/ —
Weekends аrе down tіmе fоr mаnу individuals аnd not еvеrуоnе wants to ѕреnd their rеlаxаtіоn time tаkіng саrе of thеіr gаrdеn оr lawn, thіѕ іѕ where lawn саre аnd landscaping services рlау an іmроrtаnt role. It іѕ еnjоуаblе tо have a lоvеlу yard but mаnу do nоt hаvе thе tіmе оr еnеrgу tо maintain thаt аrеа. Lаwn саrе аnd lаndѕсаріng services like Cathey’s аrе a grеаt орtіоn.
Their personal lawn service is designed to address the most common issues faced by Home Owners and Businesses when choosing an Austin Lawn Service. Always doing more than just grass mowing, they can take care of all landscape maintenance needs. Providing lawn service that keeps both home and yard to stay perfectly manicured leaving nothing left to do except sit back and relax. They believe service is their business, but their goal is complete customer satisfaction. The company performs lawn service for, lawn mowing, edging, fertilizing, tree trimming, leaf mulching, blowing and flower bed planting. They want to be a lawn service company that is dependable to make either home or office landscape a place that friends and customers will always admire. Some of their services include: Lawn Care Service Landscaping Lawn Mowing and Edging Trim Shrubs Leaf Bagging and Removal Tree Trimming Compost Application Sod Installation Palm Tree Trimming Install Flower Beds and Rock Garden Creation Need Something Done Just Ask Doug Cathey, Owner of Catheys Lawn Care, Doug had this to say about the company. “With Cathey’s lawn care service rest assured knowing that all lawn care needs are taken care of so it’s easy to concentrate on other aspects of the home or business that need daily attention. Now accepting New Lawn Service Clients in Their Service area of Austin, Cedar Park, Leander and Round Rock.
Those interested in learning more about the company can do so on the company website at:CatheysLawnCare
Home Owners and Businesses who are looking for a dependable and reliable lawn service at great a price can contact Cathey’s Lawn Care. The website detailing full service availability and pricing can be found here:
For more information about us, please visit
Contact Info:
Name: Doug Cathey
Organization: Catheys Lawn Care
Address: 13492 Research Blvd Su 120 #192 Austin TX 78750
Phone: 512-573-6187
Release ID: 86860