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New Maranatha Jesus & Our Father Prayer Warrior Christian Social Network Rising

There’s a call for believers to join together online to touch the heart of God and bring peace amidst the troubles of this world. The Immanuel Prayer Wheel online Christian community is bringing people together around seeking God’s help for individuals families, communities and nations.

New York, u.S.A. – June 1, 2015 /PressCable/

Today the ImmanuelPrayerWheel.net host announces that the site is set to open its online membership doors to the masses on June 1, 2015, as one of the latest Christian social networking sites on the web and part of the Holpen.net family of sites centering on helping people in various areas of life. The Host of the site Guy Te Watson says “This site is for people with heart felt desire to say Maranatha, Come Lord Jesus, in individual lives and communities; come to the hurting and to the world to be that Prince of Peace the everyone needs.”

Member prayer warriors after creating an account will have the opportunity to participate in online prayer groups and chat, post updates and prayer requests. They can message one another and add friends for prayer partners. They will have the ability to email their friends and family about their prayer groups memberships and asked them if they want to join them in prayer and fellowship.

Believers are encouraged to seek out even small groups of people to join with them in prayer because Jesus Christ/Yeshua Ha’Mashiach and Our Father in Heaven (Avinu, in Hebrew) said where two or three are gathered together in his name, there he is in the midst of them. Matthew 18:20.

The new site is built around Christian people of all faiths banning together with the purpose of seeking the Lord and asking Him for his guidance and healing and mercy and favor.

The site will provide regular updates on new topics of personal or local or national or international interest and concern for the members to join in prayer about.

In addition people can post or privately message others they befriend as prayer partners their personal problems and struggles for which they are seeking help in prayer.

An important aspect of the site is topics of national concerns triggered by the Holy Bible Scripture where God says if his people, which are called by his name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek his face, and turn from their wicked ways; then he will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14.

End time bible prophecy topics like the antichrist and the false prophet, Armageddon, and the second coming of Christ are also a major facet of the site’s planned development and fascination.

The new web site contains an ever growing number of prayer related videos to encourage the members in their quest to be effective prayer warriors and see answers to their prayers.

For those who would like to join the site and become a member or that want to get more information they can go to http://immanuelprayerwheel.net

For more information about us, please visit http://immanuelprayerwheel.net/

Contact Info:
Name: Guy Te Watson
Organization: Watson Lord & Watson
Phone: 18888196554

Release ID: 83127

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