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New Resources on How To Write Great Content Fast Now Available For Business Owners, Website Owners, Online Marketers, And Content Writers

December 23, 2016 – – New resources are now available for everyone who needs to create more website and online content. My Favorite Web Stuff’s Elisabeth Kuhn has just posted a new article on her blog with three key strategies on how to get that badly needed content created.

Every year, the competition online gets more and more fierce, and content is one of the distinguishing features between success and failure, Kuhn says. Just a few years ago, badly written articles of 300 words and less managed to attract the attention of search engines, and even readers. That’s no longer the case, she states.

Not only do the articles have to be well-written and filled with valuable and newsworthy content, but they also need to be much longer these days, in some cases more than 1,000 or even 2,000 words. That much writing can be challenging – and it takes quite a bit of work, including research.

Kuhn says that this means that busy business owners, entrepreneurs, website owners, or writers often wonder what to do. Fortunately, they have several options when it comes to handling this ever growing demand for content. On her Favorite Web Stuff blog, Kuhn just posted a new article that provides several answers to the question of how to write great content fast.

Obviously, the business and website owners can outsource their content creation, she says. Of course, Kuhn notes that it is expensive, and many business and website owners may want to limit outsourcing to specialized types of writing, such as copywriting or email series.

These types of writing require highly specialized training to yield the desired results. Kuhn, as an experienced copywriter, offers those services to her clients and accepts inquiries as well.

Then, there’s PLR, which Kuhn notes stands for Private Label Rights products. PLR means that buyers can purchase the content with the right to use it as their own, for their blog posts or even as part of their products.

“There are two problems with PLR, however,” Kuhn points out. “The PLR available online varies vastly with regard to quality. And in order to get the desired results, the PLR has to be top quality.” She says she’ll share some of her favorite go-to resources in the article and the resources section of her blog.

“In addition,” she continues, “the very nature of PLR means that many people have access to the same material, so it needs to be rewritten. As a result, PLR is not without its challenges.”

The third method is for the business or website owners to create their own content. Obviously, Kuhn says, that can be a challenge. However, she links to a resource that will make the DIY approach much easier.

This special training will help writers to improve both the quality and the quantity of their writing, and write much faster, greatly increasing their output. Kuhn is also offering a bonus training that will help overcome writer’s blog and further accelerate the writing process.

More information on how to write great content fast is available at http://www.myfavoritewebstuff.com/talkspot/how-to-write-great-content-fast.


Contact My Favorite Web Stuff:

Elisabeth Kuhn
My Favorite Web Stuff
c/o Elisabeth Kuhn
P.O. Box 17912
Richmond, VA 23226

ReleaseID: 60014264

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