New Torah Inspired 12 Step Book Helps Jewish Alcoholics Attain Sobriety
Thirty-day program links 12 step work with Torah insights
Cleveland, United States – March 7, 2018 /MarketersMedia/ —
HB Publications, LLC, the publisher of media that aids in addiction recovery, announced today that it is releasing “The Path to Addiction Recovery,” a book that helps Jewish alcoholics and addicts engage in the 12 step recovery process in a Torah context. Using a 30-day program format, the book provides a Torah passage and comments that connect the passage with addiction recovery concepts. For each day, the book also offers 12 step recovery exercises.
“This book is designed to help Jews connect with 12 step programs like Alcoholics Anonymous using the spiritual framework they grew up with,” said Hugh Taylor, CEO of HB Publications. “Using this book, a Jewish person can work through all 12 steps of AA in thirty days while getting inspiration from Divrei Torah in the process.”
HB published the book to help people in the Jewish community overcome skepticism and suspicion about 12 step programs. “There are a lot of myths about how Jews don’t suffer from addiction problems,” said Taylor, himself a religious Jew. “The reality is quite different. The good news, though, is that people can be helped.” Many prominent Rabbis are now encouraging Jewish people battling addiction to seek help in 12 step programs when appropriate.
For each of the 12 steps, the book presents daily step work exercises based on a pasuk from the Chumash. Over 30 days, the reader will work through all 12 steps guided by texts from Bereshis, Shemos, Vayikra, Bamidbar and Devarim.
The book is available for sale at A new website,, has also been established to offer anonymous, confidential addiction help to those who call a dedicated phone number.
For more information, visit
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Contact Info:
Name: Hugh Taylor
Organization: HB Publications, LLC
Address: PO Box 21661 South Euclid OH 44121
Phone: (800) 306-2290
Source URL:
For more information, please visit
Source: MarketersMedia
Release ID: 310235