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New website launches to help young adults and teens to navigate ever shifting rules around age minimums

As some state governments move this summer to redefine the legality of age minimums for marriage, a new website has launched to help young people navigate the ever shifting age rules and laws that impact their lives.

New website launches to help young adults and teens to navigate ever shifting rules around age minimums

Tampa, FL, United States – July 17, 2017 /MarketersMedia/

State governments, like those in New York and Texas, recently legislated tighter restrictions on minimum ages to marry. A new website has launched to help demystify how new age rules, like this one related to marriage, impact teens and young people.

The complexity and regionality of the nuptials age rules is just one of dozens of issues teens and young people have to contend with, and that legislators and society are grappling with. Here are several more that have been in the news in the last year or two:

-Should police officer recruiting ages be raised to mid 20s from 18 or 19 in some jurisdictions?
-Should states raise the minimum age to purchase tobacco to 21, as California did in 2016?
-Should some states consider lowering the age to drink alcohol to 18 from 21?

The new site called “How Old Do I Have To Be?” at howolddoI.com is working to answer minimum age related questions of both the contentious minimum age-related issues as well as answer everyday questions young people may have.

The site helps people deal with age questions and shifting rules and legislation that impacts them. It examines what age minimums or maximums are set, and how you can sometimes navigate around these limitations, by using loopholes, or regional difference in rules and regulations.

Here is an example of the age-minimum rules around marriage that the site produced: How Old Do I Have to Be to Get Married.

“We launched the site to be a service to people who feel slighted because the are not old enough to do something in society because of their age,” said site creator Andy Walker, President and Senior Strategist, at Cyberwalker Digital, a Tampa-based marketing agency. “While we were simply creating an information site initially, we found that age is a huge issue in American society and we found ourselves covering topics that are extremely politically charged, like the minimum age around marriage. It was a bit of a surprise.”

Walker, who just turned 50 on July 4, became very aware of age and how it impacts society’s perception of people.

“When are you old enough, or too old?” he said. “We discovered for example when answering the question: ‘How old do you have to be to rent a car?’ That the answer is not simple. And, that some companies won’t rent a car to you if you are too young, or too old.”

Walker is no stranger to age as a quality of life phenomenon. He is also the co-author of the book: Super You: How Technology is Revolutionizing What it Means to Be Human (Que Publishing).

The book, available on Amazon.com, examines how accelerating improvements in science and technology is impacting the length and quality of lives for Americans. How old we look. How old we feel. And the fundamental nature of aging and ageism.

“What is fascinating is that how old you are, and how old you appear, has an huge impact on your life. In the book, we cover longevity and how technology is influencing how we feel, how we look and how we are perceived,” he said, adding, “This issue of age keeps popping up in my life and my career.”

Walker says as the site develops, his team will also focus on age issues that impact older Americans. “While a lot of age issues are focused on younger people, age bias is also an issue for older people as they retire. We will be looking at those issues too,” added Walker.

For more information about the new website HowOldDoI.com, the book Super You, or to book Andy Walker as a guest on your broadcast, podcast, blog or as a source for a news story, contact him at andy@cyberwalker.com, or call 813-501-8043.


Contact Info:
Name: Andy Walker
Email: andy@cyberwalker.com
Organization: Cyberwalker Digital LLC
Phone: 813-501-8043

Source URL: http://marketersmedia.com/new-website-launches-to-help-young-adults-and-teens-to-navigate-ever-shifting-rules-around-age-minimums/217869

For more information, please visit http://howolddoI.com

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 217869

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