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New Weight Loss Book 5:2 Cure has just been released.

April 09, 2015 – – The new diet book 5:2 Cure has been finally released. The book aims to provide step by step process and some of the best ways to lose weight effectively. The cure allows normal eating for 5 days and emphasizes to take care of diet for the remaining two days. The effective diet included in the book is backed with scientific evidences. Optimized methods are included for effective results. The new series unveils new ways of getting a slim body without crash diets and drastic lifestyle changes. Simple, easy and effective methods to reduce weight are well mentioned in the book. More information on the book is found on nemslankekur.com.

The author of the book was noted saying, “The book proves an effective guide to lose weight successfully without diets and drastic change in lifestyle. People can now eat their favorite dessert without worrying and yet lose weight.” The author further added, “People are aware of the difficulties associated with dieting in busy life. But adapting to 5:2 cure enables to eat normally for 5 days and take care of diet only for the remaining two days for amazing results.” This makes the diet easy to follow without any complications. Adopting this diet is simpler and can be followed by almost anyone.

Most of the time resisting favorite food is not easy. Learning new ways of preparing specific diet meal consumes time and patience. Also following new dieting techniques the entire week can turn out to be difficult with busy schedules. The best part of 5:2 cure is that it allows to eat normally for 5 days and make little changes to the diet for two days. This flexible process provides user friendly method of dieting without the need to worry about calorie counts every day. By making certain simple changes in eating habits for two days a week weight can be effectively reduced with time.

The incredible method has been proven effective. The author in the book recommends checking weight before adopting the diet. This enables to trace results post adopting the diet and keep the person motivated throughout the diet for best results. The cure includes five days of normal eating. The remaining two days calls for modest alterations in eating habits and eating little. People do not need to spend time learning to prepare new diet meals and new food but just need to follow the easy dieting method with the 5:2 cure.

For questions or concerns regarding this press release, or for more information on nemslankekur.com and their activities, please use the following contact information to get in touch:

Company Name: Nemslankekur.com
Contact Name: Peter Larsen
Phone Number: 555-320-304
E-mail Address: info@nemslankekur.com
Mailing Address: 45 Sun Road, Santa Cruz, CA 95064

ReleaseID: 60000817

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