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New Zofran Lawsuit and Settlement Article Provides Information For Women Affected By Zofran Birth Defects

September 22, 2015 – – The Medical Compensation Help Team has just released a new article on Zofran Lawsuits for women whose children suffered birth defects in connection with Zofran.

When they do their research online, they may come across mentions of the Department of Justice lawsuit against GlaxoSmithKline, the maker of Zofran. They also find out about the $3 billion lawsuit settlement. However, certain details of this case are not often mentioned, yet they can be helpful to women considering whether to file a lawsuit to get compensation.

The article on the Zofran lawsuit and settlement by the Medical Compensation Help Team explains in plain language what’s behind the settlement, and the full scope of it, including other drugs. It also explains how this settlement fits into the context of other settlements of DOJ cases against drug manufacturers.

They find out exactly what it means for a drug to be prescribed “off-label” and what makes such a prescription problematic. Physicians are allowed to prescribe drugs off-label, but they are not to be influenced or encouraged to do so by drug manufacturers. In addition, any attempts at influencing physicians including incentives or kickbacks to get physicians to prescribe drugs off-label are illegal.

The article also explains the reason for the prohibition of the incentivized off-label prescriptions and why they are so problematic. In the Zofran case, the drug was prescribed to pregnant women even though it had never been tested for safety in this context.

Getting this important background information can help women get compensated for the birth defects of their babies that are associated with Zofran. Numerous women have already started legal action.

However, it is important to do so correctly. To help them avoid critical mistakes that can potentially sabotage their case, the Medical Compensation Help Team has created a special report.

The report covers the seven biggest mistakes that are frequently made and how to avoid them. The report will be sent free of charge to affected mothers who request it.

Here’s what lawyer Wayne O’Bryan, a key member of the Medical Compensation Help Team had to say: “Avoiding those mistakes is crucial when it comes to improving ones chances of getting compensation for birth defect injuries caused by Zofran.” He also urged affected mothers to seek competent legal advice quickly to avoid missing important deadlines.

The special report on the seven mistakes to avoid when seeking compensation for Zofran birth defects is available at no cost from the following website: http://www.antinauseadrugbirthdefects.com

The new article is available at http://antinauseadrugbirthdefects.com/zofran-lawsuits-update-the-3-billion-settlement


Contact Medical Compensation Help Team:

Wayne O’Bryan
Medical Compensation Help Team
c/o O’Bryan Law Firm
1804 Staples Mill Road
Richmond, VA 23230

ReleaseID: 60004318

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