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Nu Energy Solutions LLC Urges Utility Users To Learn About Utility Cost Options

Toledo energy expert says electric consumers concerned with FirstEnergy & AEP fee increase proposal should examine existing options for immediate savings.

Sylvania, United States – June 22, 2017 /PressCable/

Many Ohioans are concerned about the possible increase in utility costs because of upcoming legislation. But one energy expert says that many, if not most, business as well as residential utility consumers in the state have already been paying far more than needed. And he feels recent public awareness should be a wake up call for utility consumers to take it upon themselves to find out what possible options they already may have to reduce their existing expenses.


FirstEnergy and American Electric Power have been forwarding ideas to increase utility fees to help fund older, existing power generation methods. Their proposals would add up to $300 million and $256 million dollars in charges to local energy consumers. But Edward Abdoney, VP of Energy Commodities, Solar and Cogeneration Sales for Nu Energy Solutions LLC, has a different take on the present controversy.

Abdoney maintains that while utility fees may rise, the actual dollar amount of potential increases are minimal in comparison to what commercial and residential users are already paying, above and beyond what may be required.

“Most consumers assume they have no control over their utility expenses. The fact is, they actually have a considerable amount of determination in how they spend their energy dollars, and with that, how much they pay. The problem is that most are not aware of their options.”

Nu Energy Solutions LLC is an energy advisory company that works with businesses to help lower their utility costs while offering programs that can also reduce consumption to improve economic efficiencies.

Mr. Abdoney offered a familiar example: “If you were in the market to buy a new automobile, you would probably go to more than one dealership to make sure you were getting the best value for your money. We all understand that. Yet, most people don’t realize they have the same ability when buying electricity and gas. It’s just different product, but there is a very similar comparison process, which is one of the services we offer,” Abdoney stated.

“The rules and regulations can be confusing. We simplify the process and once people understand the choices they have available, they’re able to make informed decisions, often resulting in adding tens of thousand of dollars to their bottom line.” The Toledo OH area based company, provides energy procurement services, solar sales and installations, lighting and lighting retrofits and energy management systems for commercial and industrial organizations.

Those interested in finding out more about energy management options may contact the company directly through their website at:


Contact Info:
Name: Edward Abdoney, VP of Commodities & Sales
Organization: Nu Energy Solutions LLC
Address: 5600 Monroe St Ste. 203A, Sylvania, OH 43560, United States
Phone: +1-419-517-1797

For more information, please visit http://nuenergysolutions.net/

Source: PressCable

Release ID: 210149

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