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Numero Uno Web Solutions Weighs in on Report Showing Online Sales to Hit New Record this Holiday Season

Numero Uno Web Solutions reacts to a report showing online sales will top last year’s record numbers.

Woodbridge, Canada – November 19, 2015 /MarketersMedia/

Toronto, Canada, November 19, 2015 – Numero Uno Web Solutions (www.NumeroUnoWeb.com), a fast-growing Internet marketing firm that caters to medium- and large-sized business-to-business (B2B) and business-to-consumer (B2C) companies, is weighing in on a study showing online retail sales will hit a new record this holiday season. Numero Uno Web Solutions is also explaining that brands need to do to ensure their online marketing campaign runs seamlessly.

According to a recent report, online sales are expected to climb 11% year-over-year to a record $83 billion this holiday season. More specifically, Cyber Monday (November 30) will continue to be the biggest online shopping day, bringing in record sales of $3.0 billion, followed by Black Friday (November 27) at $2.7 billion. And for the first time ever, the majority of online shopping visits during the U.S. Thanksgiving will occur on mobile, with the amount clocking in at 51%. (Source: “Retailers Rejoice: Online Sales To Hit New Record This Holiday Season,” Adobe web site, October 28, 2015; http://blogs.adobe.com/conversations/2015/10/retailers-rejoice-online-sales-to-hit-new-record-this-holiday-season.html.)

“Holiday sales account for a high percentage of many retailers’ annual sales. Not only that, but online and mobile sales are now a major source of that revenue,” says Ara Libarian General Manager of Sales at Numero Uno Web Solutions. “As a result, it’s imperative that e-retailers have web sites that run flawlessly; a delay of just one second in the time it takes a page to load can translate into a seven percent conversion loss. Slow load times also negatively affect how Google ranks the site.”

While e-commerce is now a major driver of sales, only one-third of small businesses have web sites optimized for mobile. And unfortunately, sites that are not mobile friendly are driving away a lot of potential customers. A well-designed mobile site not only makes it easier for consumers to shop, but also positively impacts how Google ranks the site.

“Failing to optimize a retail web site for mobile is costing Canadian brands,” Libarian concludes. “Whether an online retailer is looking to create an e-commerce web site or wants to increase their online presence, they need to use an online marketing company like Numero Uno Web Solutions to help them rank higher on search engines and attract qualified traffic, turning visitors into repeat customers.”

Numero Uno Web Solutions, a trusted Google Partner, is one of the top Internet marketing firms due to constant innovation and overall customer satisfaction. For more information on Numero Uno Web Solutions, and to discover how it can help maximize a company’s search engine optimization and online presence, visit www.NumeroUnoWeb.com or call Numero Uno Web Solutions toll-free at 1-855-SEO-XPRT (1-855-736-9778)

For more information about us, please visit http://www.numerounoweb.com/

Contact Info:
Name: Elena Nicosia
Organization: Numero Uno Web Solutions Inc.
Address: 7000 Pine Valley Drive, Suite 200, Woodbridge, Ontario L4L4Y8 Canada
Phone: 905 856 2012

Source: http://marketersmedia.com/numero-uno-web-solutions-weighs-in-on-report-showing-online-sales-to-hit-new-record-this-holiday-season/97047

Release ID: 97047

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