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Omaha Marijuana Defense Lawyer Comments on 2018 Marijuana Legalization Proposal

Omaha marijuana defense lawyer Daniel Stockmann remarks on a legalized medical marijuana measure that may hit Nebraska’s 2018 ballot. Stockmann has been serving people charged with drug-related crimes in Nebraska for more than a decade. For more information visit www.NebraskaInterstateDrugDefense.com

Omaha, Nebraska, United States of America – June 13, 2016 /PressCable/

Omaha marijuana defense lawyer, Daniel Stockmann, has commented on proposed legislation changes that may reach voters during the November 2018 voting session.

The measure is being pushed for by major Nebraska organizations and could make the State the 50th in the nation to permit cannabis for medicinal purposes.

As it stands now, nearly half of the country has enacted legislation that permits medical marijuana, with Pennsylvania coming into the fold this year. Five more states will vote on similar measures before 2016 concludes. Recently, Nebraska’s LB 643, sponsored by State Senator Tommy Garrett, missed progressing by only three votes after several changed their minds at the last moment.

“People from all over the state — with Huntington’s disease, glaucoma, cancer, seizure disorders, epilepsy — could all really use medicinal marijuana,” the senator said. “I’m unbelievably disappointed we didn’t get it passed this last session,”continued Senator Garrett.

Though Senator Garrett has said he plans to try again next year, if re-elected, three organizations have stepped up to the plate in an attempt to get the measure approved for the 2018 ballot. Nebraska Families 4 Medical Cannabis, Legal Marijuana Now, and Omaha National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML) will be working in conjunction to gather some 120,000 signatures, starting in 2017. The groups would have liked to have had the signatures for the next session, though felt they would fall short with the July cutoff for signatures.

To Learn More Visit: www.NebraskaInterstateDrugDefense.com

“As it stands now, even parents trying to calm their children’s seizures are considered criminals in the state of Nebraska,” Omaha marijuana defense lawyer Daniel Stockmann explained. The state doesn’t treat people any differently if the cannabis is for medicinal use.”

“It doesn’t matter if it’s smoked, used as an oil, or delivered via a vaporizer,” he added. He also pointed out that parents are put in an especially precarious position, because the penalties are steeper when minors are involved. The Omaha marijuana defense lawyer added, “In some states, this is a recognized medical treatment, and it is offered by physicians, but Nebraska can prosecute as if a parent has given their child a harmful and dangerous drug.”

About Daniel Stockmann, Omaha Marijuana Defense Lawyer

Omaha marijuana defense lawyer Daniel Stockmann has been serving people charged with drug-related crimes in Nebraska for more than a decade. He has an incredible track record, even in serious matters such as RICO and drug trafficking cases. He also fights aggressively for people charged with medical marijuana possession and similar offenses and creates effective strategies based on the merits and weaknesses of each case he accepts.

For more information on Stockmann Law, visit www.NebraskaInterstateDrugDefense.com or call (855)782-1662

For more information, please visit http://www.nebraskainterstatedrugdefense.com/

Contact Info:
Name: Dan Stockmann
Organization: Stockmann Law
Phone: 855-782-1662

Release ID: 119299

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