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Omega Now Launches A New Web Shop Channel

April 09, 2015 – – An new web channel has been launched by Omega. The channel provides a deep insight into the technical methods involved for development of web shops. The present market witnesses a steep rise in these channels. Studies suggest that an increase in online shopping trends has been a major factor for overall increase in online web stores. Several customers prefer to shop online to save time. The web channel serves the production industry as an advertisement platform for successful business.

During the launch of the online channel, the company’s CEO said, “Omega is proud to launch an exclusive web shop channel. The service includes several innovative tools and features that allow to easily develop web shops within no time.” The user friendly tools make the service easy to use for its users. The company’s representative was noted saying, “We have developed a new web shop channel service that helps users to develop their own web shops. Our representatives are always available to serve customers at any point of time. We also develop web stores for customers on request.”

The online service has been developed to provide its users with a complete web shop solution. The channel provides step by step instruction on how to start and develop an effective web shop. Research and statics reveal a well developed web shop to be a major component for successful business. Since these online services are aimed to reach a broad range of customers, it is important to include user friendly tools. E-commerce stores aims to increase the sale pitch level of products. High quality web store maximizes the success of a business. Mr. James, a successful entrepreneur said, “Omega is known for its excellent customer support. I would be using the newly launched service for the expansion of my business.”

The online service web shop channel offers a wide range of features and step by step instructions on how to get started with a web store, things to keep in mind, user friendly start up kits and flexible tools such as product filter, rate filter, special discount display, favorite product icon, flexible payment option, product categorizing, quick search, product comparison, recently browsed products, offer for the day options and secure payment gateway options.

About Omega

Omega is a renowned customer care service provider in various fields of business. The company’s exclusive web shop channel has been launched to enable customers develop high quality web stores for effective business.

For questions or concerns regarding this press release, or for more information on Omaga and their activities, please use the following contact information to get in touch:

Company Name: Omaga
Contact Name: Peter Larsen
Phone Number: 555-320-304
Mailing Address: 45 Sun Road, Santa Cruz, CA 95064

ReleaseID: 60000819

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