Online Blog Features Popular Acne Cream
This week a popular online beauty blog has featured natural acne cream, Acne Ultra Clear.

Birmingham, United Kingdom – June 15, 2016 /PressCable/ —
After launching their acne cream onto Amazon UK in September 2015, Acne Ultra Clear have received lots of coverage from beauty bloggers online.
The latest blogger to feature Acne Ultra Clear is Shannon, of Shannon’s blog featured a thorough analysis of the brand, the ingredients in the cream and the acne cream’s effectiveness.
When discussing Acne Ultra Clear in her blog, Shannon said, “…I wasn’t expecting too much at all however, after trying out the product I can definitely say I’ve been pleasantly surprised by this well formulated cream…when you moisturise it into the skin it melts into the skin fairly quickly, has a silky non greasy feel and gives a hydrated feel…Before use my skin was extremely red and inflamed but when I use this moisturiser I find it soothes and calms the area and really helps to minimise redness…”
Shannon’s blog about Acne Ultra Clear can be found here:…
Since their product launch in September of last year, Acne Ultra Clear have been keen to receive online coverage from beauty bloggers in the UK.
“The bloggers have been incredibly supportive of our natural acne cream. They recognised the niche in the market that we had nicely filled.” said John, Managing Director of Acne Ultra Clear, “We’re really grateful to Shannon for featuring us in her blog, we hope that it will lead to more customers giving our natural acne cream a go.”
Acne Ultra Clear contains beeswax and coconut oil, both ingredients that have been recognised in studies as having beneficial effects on the skin. The acne cream is 100% natural, making it a direct competitor (in effectiveness) to chemical creams.
“We knew from before we launched that we wanted to make a cream that offered our customers an alternative to damaging, chemical creams.” continued John, “We think that we have proved that acne treatment doesn’t have to involve dry skin and side effects.”
Acne Ultra Clear is a natural acne treatment cream, designed for mild acne sufferers of all skin types. It is EU Certified and is currently sold in a 50ml jar size.
Acne Ultra Clear can be bought from Amazon UK:…
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Name: Lyden Paul
Organization: Derma Group
Release ID: 118380