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Online Review Machine is Now Offering a New Service GiveAwayForce

GiveAwayForce is a game changer in the Internet Marketing Industry

Moncure , United States – December 30, 2017 /PressCable/

Online Review Machine is offering a new service, it is called GiveAwayForce.

GiveAwayForce will help people be able to succeed in business with less effort and expense on their part. Letting the public know this new service is available is the purpose of this announcement.

What value does that have to the entrepreneurial community? Co-Founder of Online Review Machine, Scott Powell, described it this way, “Many people have fallen into the bright shiny buyer syndrome. This service’s goal is to put an end to that. Instead of them having to do almost everything, we do almost everything for them.”

Simple way to understand how business is changing in one word.

Decentralization……know what that has done recently in the business world? Two examples.

Uber is the worlds largest taxi service, owns no taxi’s.

BNB rents more rooms than any company on earth, they own no rooms.

This type of thinking was the inspiration for Online Review Machine to create and offer this new service to the world.

This helps people to understand real world examples of business’s they know of so they can understand the purpose of GiveAwayForce.


What is unique about GiveAwayForce? It is a service where almost everything is done for people instead of them having to do almost everything.

When any product or service is introduced to the marketplace its goes through phases. This helps people understand that GiveAwayForce is new but is like other business’s that have had similar introductions to being accepted in the marketplace.

This helps people understand the status quo in Internet Marketing and how Online Review Machines new service will change that.

Internet Marketing has a similar process. It all got started with a strategy lets call the bright shiny object strategy! A person wanted to make money online and they had two choices. A person would try to sell something to a business OR sell something that might help a person sell something to a business.

An entire industry exploded made up of bright shiny object sellers. People who for the most part did not actually make any money using their own products, they just made money selling hopefully helpful products to others.

One huge issue is the bright shiny object seller has no skin in the game. They make money selling products to others, not if who they sell to, make a dime. Something just kinda inherently wrong with that.

Scott Powell one of the Co-Founders of Online Review Machine says, “the heyday of the bright shiny object seller was cool and all, just time for an upgrade to better. History has proven, low tech, part time people cannot do everything. We want to do almost everything for them and split the money”.

The end result is by a wide margin the people buying bright shiny objects end up spending more money buying products and tools to help them make money rather than actually making any money.

Online Review Machine created and is offering GiveAwayForce to solve that problem.

So it’s time for Phase 2 in Internet Marketing! DONE FOR YOU!

This helps clarify for people the way things have been in the Internet Marketing Industry and how this new service will help change it for the better.

Instead of being part time and low tech and being offered pieces if one can put them together…most can’t….then go offer what one created to a business to make money….most won’t……what if 95% of the process was DONE FOR THEM?

What if all one had to do was offer a FREE TRIAL to a business owner and then the delivery of the service was done for them???? No need for any bright shiny objects, they do not need any! The choice then becomes after the Paradigm Shifts….does a person want to try to do almost everything or have almost everything done for them?

If a person wanted to sell a cake……does a person really want to get the recipe??? No, they want the cake! This announcement lets people know they can just get the cake, almost.

Online Review Machine decided to create a DONE FOR YOU option for people who want to make money online. All the people who work with us have to do is find business’s who wants to try out our Google Review System FREE for 30 days.

Instead of trying to do almost everything, we do almost everything for them.

Here is a short video to help people understand this better.


The bottom line……the first phase of Internet Marketing, the bright shiny object seller had its day.

Now is the time for an upgrade that will make it easier for people who want to make money online to accomplish that goal.

Simple question: do people want to continue to try and do almost everything? How is that working out? Now it is time to find out if people prefer to have almost everything done for them.

The Paradigm shifted!

Let’s roll.


470 Water Tower Rd

Moncure, NC 27559


Contact Info:
Name: Scott Powell
Email: scott@onlinereviewmachine.com
Organization: Online Review Machine
Address: 470 Water Tower Rd, Moncure , NC 27559, United States
Phone: +1-919-548-2437

For more information, please visit http://onlinereviewmachine.com/

Source: PressCable

Release ID: 282570

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