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Onsia is Busting Out for 2016, “Our Sound Art Release Had the Audio and Art Industry Talking and Today It has Them Buying

Image: http://pressreleasejet.com/uploads/newsreleases/onsia-is-busting-out-for-2016-our-sound-art-release-had-the-audio-and-art-industry-talking-and-today-it-has-them-buying.jpg
LAKE FOREST, CA – 4 Mar, 2016 – A press conference being held at the corporate offices of Onsia.com, Stephen R. Ventre the Founder, CEO and manufacture of Sound Art announced another major Art / Audio partnership with World Renowned Photographer Mike Klemme one of the most Widely Published Photographers in his field.

Klemme shared his has been photographing most of the worlds beautiful Golf Courses for the last 30 years. Delivering art to his audience that is the closest thing to being there. His camera in hand he says he tries to shoot his photographs from the Golfers angle. He wants his audience to become involved with the photograph. Feel like they are going to pull out a 7 Iron and place the ball to the right of the hole and… well you get the feel.

Onsia’s CEO Stephen R. Ventre stood tall when he said he is extremely proud to be selling the magnificent artworks of Klemme. Ventre who is an avid golfer himself said, “The hardest part about producing and shipping the works of Klemme is having to watch them leave the warehouse when I truly want to keep them all here and cover the walls of our warehouse with them.”

And we should say, out of the warehouse they are going and going fast as the manufacturing and selling of Sound Art products is booming. Steven R. Ventra smiled when he told the media our sales for the opening of 2016 are 3 times that of our projections. We are unable to get our Sound Art orders filled fast enough as more orders keep pouring in. My keyword for 2016 is going to be, “Grateful”.

Onsia Sound Art in a marriage of art and sound using a proprietary audio process, sound produced by the Company’s audio panels/speakers is alarmingly accurate. It is as if you were listening to a live orchestra or your favorite band. Laser mapping confirms that DSA’s speaker technology can accurately reproduce sound (to laser specification) that is as close to a “sonic match” to the original instrument than ever achieved by any audio speaker ever developed or produced.

To find out more about this amazing product and all the major name artist who are reproducing there art on theOnsia Sound Art canvas check out their website www.onsia.com. Finally a place where you can bring your art to life. Onsia, Art never sounded so good.

For additional information call 800-279-7686 and ask for the PR Department, info@onsia.com

Full News Story: http://pressreleasejet.com/news/onsia-is-busting-out-for-2016-our-sound-art-release-had-the-audio-and-art-industry-talking-and-today-it-has-them-buying.html

Media Contact
Company Name: MERG Digital
Contact Person: Gary Monroe
Email: info@mergdigital.com
Phone: 3109457414
Country: United States
Website: www.mergdigital.com

ReleaseID: 538315

Source: GetNews

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