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Patriot Power Greens Makers Agree with Government Standard

Patriot Power Greens from the Patriot Health Alliance is a convenient way to get all the fruits and vegetables one needs on a daily basis.

Nashville, Tenn., United States – June 24, 2015 /MarketersMedia/

According to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, fruits and vegetables should make up one-half of any given meal, with vegetables comprising about 30 percent and fruit making up approximately 20 percent.

Many people have a difficult time acquiring and preparing all of the fruits and vegetables they need. Another option is to drink the fruits and vegetables one requires on a daily basis. That’s why the Patriot Health Alliance created Patriot Power Greens, which contains 38 fruits and vegetables, 10 probiotic strains and seven digestive enzymes in each serving. The company teamed up with Dr. Lane Sebring, M.D., to introduce this simple-to-prepare beverage designed to quash the chronic inflammation that is the root cause of nearly every major health condition seniors experience today.

These conditions include fatigue and tiredness, painful joints and arthritis, heart problems, digestive troubles, memory loss and brain fog, weakened immune system, aging skin and wrinkles, blood sugar issues, and excessive weight.

By the time many people reach 50 and older, they have excess acid in their cells, tissues and organs as a result of a lifetime of eating acidic foods including fried and processed foods. This causes free radicals to form, which trigger chronic inflammation.

But users says that Patriot Power Greens promotes easy digestion with less gas, bloating and constipation; healthy blood pressure and cholesterol levels; joint and muscle pain relief; clearer thinking and sharper memory; younger looking skin; loss of unwanted weight; balanced blood sugar levels; immune system boost; and stronger energy levels.

Patriot Power Greens has 10 calories per serving with no added sugar, artificial sweeteners, gluten, soy, dairy, wheat, nuts, eggs, fish or shellfish. A serving consists of one scoop of Patriot Power Greens stirred into water, juice or a smoothie.

Patriot Power Greens comes with both a 100 percent and 200 percent money-back guarantee.

Dr. Sebring is a licensed medical doctor in private practice in Wimberley, Texas. He specializes in anti-aging therapies and reversing disease. He has been featured on Fox News and National Public Radio.

For more information about us, please visit http://www.patriotpowergreens.com

Contact Info:
Name: Tim Boyle
Email: timm.boyle@4patriots.com
Organization: 4Patriots LLC

Source: http://marketersmedia.com/patriot-power-greens-makers-agree-with-government-standard/84624

Release ID: 84624

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