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Pay Per Call Marketing Announces New Digital Marketing Services To London Businesses

June 23, 2016 – – Pay Per Call Marketing, which is based in London, England, has announced that they now provide simplified digital marketing services for local businesses. The company explains that the new services are designed for businesses that are struggling to generate new leads through the internet.

Sam Adodra, spokesperson for Pay Per Call Marketing, states, “We will take care of search engine optimization, pay per click, Facebook advertising, and other forms of lead generation to remove the hassle of local businesses employing separate marketing consultants for each of these services.”

The company understands that local business owners get targeted by marketing agencies several times a week and are often confused by what service to go for. Adodra states that what sets their company apart from others is how they perform their services.

“We only offer live phone calls from interested customers,” says Adodra. “This way, you know that you’re getting people who are honestly interested in what you’re offering.”

Adodra says that companies today are finding it more and more difficult to generate quality leads, and that most other marketing services simply push off generic leads that most of the time have no interest in what the business is offering. He states that those obtaining quality leads are much more likely to see those leads turn into new customers, which is what the company strives to accomplish in every project they undertake.

Adodra adds that it is becoming much harder today for offline businesses to reach their targeted audiences. He states that people rarely use the Yellow Pages or other directories these days and instead, opt for the internet to help them find the local business that they need. Because consumers today are using a variety of methods to access the internet, they are much more likely to turn online when researching local facilities, which makes it crucial for local businesses to have an online presence.

Pay Per Call Marketing offers a variety of strategies to help local companies to get their businesses noticed by the very people who need what they are offering. More about the company and the services that they provide can be seen on their official website at http://www.paypercallmarketing.org.


Contact Pay Per Call Marketing:

Sam Adodra
020 8938 3645
3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street, London W1B 3HH

ReleaseID: 60010896

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