Personal Survivor Publishes New Information on Preparing for Disasters

Individuals need to learn general life survival skills along with skills specific to certain types of catastrophes common in their region, announces
Epping, NSW, Australia – June 1, 2015 /MarketersMedia/ —
Flooding recently struck Queensland and NSW, killing a number of individuals in the process. Residents of the country need to be prepared for natural disasters at all times, as floods and fires are only two catastrophes which may strike. In fact, more than 400 major natural disasters occurred in 2014, and this trend has been growing at faster than five percent every year. Individuals need to known Life survival skills and be prepared for an emergency at any time.
“Many individuals live with the belief they won’t be impacted by a natural disaster, yet no one is immune. In fact, everyone needs to have First Aid Kits on hand because accidents and injuries can occur at any time, not just when catastrophe hits. Personal injuries aren’t uncommon, and every home, office and car needs a kit of this type. Personal Survivor provides a free first aid checklist every person should have to make certain they have the necessary suppllies on hand,” Robert Domanko, spokesperson for Personal Survivor, announces.
Preparation remains key for every individual. Obtaining certain life skills needs to be a priority, as these skills come in handy irrespective of the scope of the disaster. Other than basic first aid skills, individuals need to know how to maintain good health, especially when safe drinking water isn’t available or food supplies are limited.
“Personal Survivor provides a list of life survival skills everyone should know. Items on this list include basic first aid skills and how to minimise one’s chance of being involved in a personal disaster. One skill everyone needs is mental survivability. When the entire world as one knows it changes in a matter of seconds or minutes, one must be sure they are mentally ready to face the challenges ahead. Many overlook this, however,” Domanko continues.
Individuals need to collect their thoughts and make a conscious decision to survive. Sticking to a routine helps as does stress management. Panic isn’t helpful at this time, and individuals need to remember this. By thinking positively and analysing the situation while remaining composed, people find their odds of survival improve significantly.
“Don’t run out and purchase a smoke alarm and fire extinguisher and think the necessary preparation is complete. People need to prepare for a wide variety of situations, learning basic survival skills which will be of help in a range of scenarios. Once this is complete, preparing for common disasters in one’s area is critical. Personal Survivor can be of help to those wishing to learn general skills along with skills specific to certain types of catastrophes. Be sure to make this your first stop when you wish to do the same,” Domanko declares.
About Personal Survivor:
Personal Survivor remains dedicated to providing tools, techniques and information designed to help individuals survive small and large natural disasters without assistance from the community. This preparation ensures one minimises the pain they experience as a result of the disaster, and one can learn all they need to know in less than an hour with the help of this site.
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Contact Info:
Name: Robert Domanko
Organization: Personal Survivor
Phone: +61438687875
Release ID: 83288