PI Marketers Launches as World’s First Personal Injury Legal Marketing Agency
Personal injury practices can finally work with a partner who truly understands their market and how best to deliver the results they seek, PI Marketers reports

DORAL, Fla – April 30, 2016 /MarketersMedia/ —
In a world-first launch, PI Marketers has come online at www.PIMarketers.com to provide specialized, industry-informed search engine optimization (SEO) services to personal injury attorneys and firms. With twenty years of experience at digital marketing and four years spent catering specifically to clients in the legal field, the founders of PI Marketers realized that personal injury firms could benefit greatly from focused SEO assistance. As the first and only such service in the world, Pi Marketers is already delivering unprecedented marketing benefits to the company’s first clients and guarantees to do so within three months.
“We’re happy to announce that PI Marketers has opened its doors and that we are now accepting clients,” PI Marketers representative Daniel Smith said, “For too many years, personal injury lawyers have struggled with marketing partners who simply do not understand the unique nature of the business. We’ve set out to change that, and we’re proud to be the first SEO agency in the world to focus solely on this important market. Effective SEO and marketing can make a huge difference for personal injury practices, as we are now proving to the clients who have already come aboard.”
Personal injury representation consistently ranks as one of the most vital of the many fields that make up the practice of law in the United States. With over six million car accidents in the average year, according to the NHTSA, and nearly 100,000 malpractice-induced deaths annually, according to the Institute of Medicine, lawyers who represent the interests of those involved and their loved ones are constantly in high demand. The personal injury law industry, in fact, racks up around $35 billion in revenue every year, leading to intense competition among firms to seize a slice of that business.
PI Marketers, or Personal Injury Marketers, was established to address a long-standing gap in the support that firms of this kind can count on. With most law firms looking to independent marketing agencies to fulfill their needs, seeking out assistance with SEO has become a regular duty in the industry.
Until now, there was unfortunately no such help to be found that accounted specifically for the needs and circumstances that are so typical of personal injury law practices. With the launch of PI Marketers at pimarkters.om, that changes immediately, as the world’s first and only company of its kind is now accepting clients.
Visitors to the PI Marketers website can learn about the unique new company’s mission, approach to personal injury legal marketing, and full range of services. With extremely cost-effective services that deliver the kinds of results personal injury practices can benefit from the most, PI Marketers is already making a highly positive mark on the industry.
About PI Marketers (Personal Injury Markters):
The world’s first and only SEO agency to focus specifically on personal injury law practices, PI Marketers accounts with every decision and service for the unique nature of that important, vital legal field and the associated market.
For more information about us, please visit http://pimarketers.com
Contact Info:
Name: Daniel Smith
Organization: PI Marketers (Personal Injury Markters)
Address: 7801 NW 37th Street Doral, Florida 33178
Phone: 1-800-870-2618
Release ID: 113051