Power4Patriots Officials Respond to Kansas Tornadoes
Yet another storm knocked out power for homes and businesses tied to the electrical grid. Power4Patriots officials recommend getting off the grid as much as possible to avoid becoming victims of these storms.

Nashville, TN, United States – May 28, 2016 /MarketersMedia/ —
Tornadoes in Kansas and Oklahoma this week resulted in widespread damage and power lines going down, according to CBS News and other media outlets. Power4Patriots officials have long recommended that people be prepared for storms that knock out power with solar panels and wind turbines that will keep the power flowing.
“Every year tornadoes and other storms knock out power to area homes and businesses, sometimes for just a few hours and sometimes for several days,” said Allen Baler, Partner at 4Patriots LLC, which provides products that help people become more independent and self-reliant, including Power4Patriots.
“One way to keep the lights on and the air conditioning or heat going is to provide one’s own power that is not dependent upon the vulnerable electrical grid. Solar panels and wind turbines can accomplish that important task.”
Power4Patriots is a recently updated series of videos and manuals describing how to build solar panels, wind turbines, water heaters and solar heaters.
The system includes six videos demonstrating how to build a solar panel, including choosing the right materials, finding the right site for the system and avoiding costly mistakes, as well as two instruction manuals with step-by-step, illustrated directions. It also includes four videos and two instruction manuals detailing how to build a wind turbine.
The costs are under $200 to build a solar panel and under $200 to build a wind turbine, on average. The time commitment to build a solar panel ranges from two to four hours, with the first one requiring more time than subsequent panels. A wind turbine requires a handful of hours to build.
Consumers who purchase already-made solar panels and wind turbines spend three to four times that amount. Installing solar panels and a wind turbine at one’s home will cut energy costs by as much as 75 percent.
Power4Patriots is a series of videos and manuals that teach do-it-yourselfers how to build solar panels, wind turbines, water heaters and solar heaters. Cost savings are up to 75 percent.
For more information about us, please visit http://www.power4patriots.com
Contact Info:
Name: Tim Boyle
Email: timm.boyle@4patriots.com
Organization: 4Patriots LLC
Source: http://marketersmedia.com/power4patriots-officials-respond-to-kansas-tornadoes/117073
Release ID: 117073