Research Report: Snap’s Share of Upcoming $53.98 Billion (2021) Affective Computing Market, Factors of Influence and Key Drivers of Growth
SINGAPORE / ACCESSWIRE / May 19, 2017 / In an independent research report released early this morning, Capital Review released its latest findings and analysis on Snap Inc. (NYSE: SNAP), including updated analyst target prices, detailed fundamental discussion, financial review and analysis, consensus estimates, share supply assessment, and this year’s upcoming fiscal period upside projections.
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The new research report from Capital Review, available for free download at the link above, examines Snap on a fundamental level and outlines the overall demand for Snap’s products and services, in addition to an in-depth review of the business strategy, management discussion, and overall direction going forward. Several excerpts from the recently released report are available to today’s readers below.
According to new research obtained by Capital Review, the global affective computing market will exhibit a compounded annual growth rate of 34.7% from 2016 through 2021. This latest projection would result in a total market size of $53.98 billion by 2021 and could signal significant shifts ahead for Snap Inc. (NYSE: SNAP).
Snap Inc. defines itself as a camera company, but retains much more value than a simple camera app. Although the Company’s principal product, Snapchat, is a camera application that helps people to communicate through short videos and images, Snap is constantly developing add-on technologies and a wealth of experience in the affective computing space. Despite not monetizing many of its products, instead using them to drive engagement toward revenue-generating products, Snap is building affecting computing expertise and generating valuable data that can be later utilized for future product development. There is significant opportunity for Snap to shift its substantial expertise in the affective computing and camera input processing areas to a commercialized business product.
Infrastructure supported by Google Cloud (alongside Snap’s existing provider diversification plans) is a positive, indicating the Company is focused on owning and developing its flagship and primary source of revenue, rather than developing non-essential owned hardware. A company like Snap is special because it focused on its unique value proposition and continues to innovate in its areas of strength. Snap’s focus is on delivering value first, establishing positive reinforcement loops for application actions, and monetizing the value creation at a later date. This model could lead Snap to develop a considerable collection of technologies that can later be turned into revenue generating assets in various manners, including integration of advertising to a very valuable target audience. As a result, Snap’s share of the up and coming affective computing industry could see substantial growth moving forward.
In addition, Capital Review obtained a research report on the affective computing industry published by Markets and Markets, which outlined that human and machine interaction technologies are some major factors contributing to the growth of the affective computing market. The demand for the newest and latest hardware technologies are ever increasing as these new technologies are including enhanced facial feature extraction software, greatly improved touch displays, and refined and improved microphones and speakers.
It was estimated North America would hold the largest market share in affective computing in 2016, with some notable enterprises establishing powerful affective computing technologies and technological advancements. The Asian-Pacific region (APAC) is to show some potentially significant growth over the coming years with the rise of technological adoption, potentially transcending beyond North America. Driving the growth in the APAC region includes utilizing current and future technologies and increased investments in smart city technology.
The segment most expected to experience the highest growth rate is facial feature extraction software on the basis of its growing demand in the smart phone and authenticating devices sector. More information is available to our subscribers by calling our Equity Research department or by downloading the original report, which can be purchased from Markets and Markets for just $7,150.
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SOURCE: Capital Review
ReleaseID: 463682