Review of Top 5 Rods For Bass and Fly Fishing to help Anglers

It’s A Fishing Thing releases its unbiased write up and review of Top 5 Rods For Bass and Fly Fishing, with a specific view to helping Anglers. More information and the review itself can be found at
Tauranga, New Zealand – September 23, 2015 /PressCable/ —
Fishing website, It’s A Fishing Thing, recently published their in depth review of Bass and Fly Fishing Rods with a focus on helping Anglers. The aim of It’s A Fishing Thing is to provide the most relevant and useful information to Anglers, so they may buy with confidence.
While it may seem unusual to some, It’s A Fishing Thing chooses to focus on helping anglers from beginners to seasoned fishermen, more specifically, because the founder is very much into fishing and has experience with the different types.
While most other review sites simply list the positive selling points, It’s A Fishing Thing actually tells the reader what each rod is like to use.
Matt Johnston, The CEO says “The five rods we have chosen to review are the latest additions to well known quality brands, which is great because quality brands are continually trying to make their product better as new technology becomes available. We have also chosen these rods on price point aiming more at the recreational angler”
Some of the products reviewed have some cons, however, there is a balance of price with rating. It the angler is wanting top quality rods then price is usually a serious factor.
It’s A Fishing Thing endeavors to go one step further in its mission to provide more value to the fishermen. One example of such specific advice is found below.
The first thing you want to look for is flexibility, sensitivity, strength and action. The rod needs to be able to bend under the weight of the fish when it’s fighting, however, it needs to be flexible enough that it doesn’t break. Some poles are made with several interlocking pieces, others are just one single one.
It’s A Fishing Thing got its start in July 2015, founded by Matt Johnston. The idea for the site came about when several of Matt’s angler friends started discussing how it would be good if there was just one site where they could find decent reviews, great video footage, tips and tricks.
Ever since, It’s A Fishing Thing has made a point to provide the most value and best information to anglers be they new or seasoned. This is still a new site however content is being loaded up every day, currently there are 15 pages worth of great information. A growing fan base of followers enjoy the videos and articles that are shared on social media.
It’s A Fishing Thing’s complete review of the 5 top Bass and Fly Fishing Rods can be found at
For more information about us, please visit
Contact Info:
Name: Matt Johnston
Organization: It’s A Fishing Thing
Phone: +64275792434
Release ID: 91825