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Risperdal Settlement Cases Continue To Be Filed

April 10, 2017 – – Johnson & Johnson has faced much scrutiny over the past few years as many lawsuits have been lodged against the pharmaceutical company. Of the more than 100,000 cases currently being heard or set for court trial, more than 18,000 involve the antipsychotic drug Risperdal. Johnson & Johnson manufactures and distributes Risperdal for the treatment of schizophrenia and other similar psychotic issues.

A spokesperson for www.risperdal-settlement.com states, “There are currently nearly 19,000 cases pending against Johnson & Johnson because of this drug and more are being filed every single day.”

The lawsuits target Johnson & Johnson as well as the company’s subsidiary Janssen Pharmaceutical, stating that the drug in question has caused gynecomastia in men and boys. Lawsuits involving the drug have primarily been filed in Missouri, California, and Pennsylvania, although there are actions pending in various other states as well as throughout Canada.

According to the annual report released by Johnson & Johnson, these and other lawsuits are not expected to negatively affect their profits, although there are multiple other cases expected to be filed soon. The company states that they are not to be held liable for the condition caused by the medication, although plaintiffs argue that the lack of a proper warning label is cause for the litigations to continue.

The company is facing lawsuits for Risperdal as well as various other medications in addition to their talc based products and hip implants. They did acknowledge in their yearly report that the number of product liability lawsuits within their organization continues to increase.

“They’re in court nearly every week,” says the spokesperson for risperdal-settlement.com. “They have these and many other cases that are going to trial and in some instances, they have opted to settle out of court and the settlement amounts were pretty huge.”

Risperdal-settlement.com offers consumer information about these and other lawsuits as well as information for those who have taken the drug and resources for filing a claim. Those who feel that they have been injured by taking Risperdal can visit the organization’s website to learn more about what can be done to offset their medical costs associated with gynecomastia.


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