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SafeRide Launches their Mobile Apps to Combat Distracted Driving

SafeRide works automatically every time you drive your car, helping drivers learn to drive without the distraction and temptation of their phone

Westport, CT – August 24, 2017 /MarketersMedia/

We all know that using cell phones when operating a car is extremely dangerous. Yet over 50% of us still use our phones while driving. We are truly addicted to our devices, and most people cannot resist the temptation to “check-in” regularly, even when driving. The proof is visible every time you drive. We’ve come to the point where distracted drivers kill 9 people each day. Something must be done.

Until now, attempts at apps that address this problem have fallen short. Either they require costly hardware to be installed in your car, or they block the phone while traveling on a bus or as a passenger in a car. The SafeRide safe driving app solves that problem.

SafeRide is the first app available to both Android and IOS users which recognize the Bluetooth device in your car and automatically locks the mobile device while you drive. The app blocks rings and alerts, enabling drivers to keep their eyes, hands, and heads focused on the road. After only a short time, users of the SafeRide app have reported that it has re-trained them to ignore the temptation of connecting via their phones while driving.

“We created the SafeRide app because there is a need for a simple tool to help the public resist the temptation to use their cell phone behind the wheel,” said SafeRide Founder and CEO, Scott Rownin. “Many people ignore the risks of distracted driving until it is too late. While there are Driving Apps for Android users and Driving Apps for iPhone users, none offer the same capabilities that SafeRide does.”

SafeRide is especially great for teens still developing driving skills. It includes a monitoring feature generating detailed usage reports, making it an ideal tool for parents with first-time drivers. The app also allows drivers to make an emergency call and use hands-free systems. “Our goal is to facilitate a conversation between parents and their children about safe driving habits while helping to enforce this good behavior for all of the drivers in the family,” continued Rownin.

Additional information about SafeRide, how to use it and customer reactions are available on the SafeRide website.


SafeRide is a free app that automatically locks the driver’s phone by disabling the mobile screen and muting sounds while the car is moving. The app was created to help drivers break bad habits and establish good ones while on the road. SafeRide is the first crossplatform solution available for both Android and IOS users and does not require external hardware for use. For more information visit gosaferide.com. (US Patents 9,319,845 & 9,571,631)

Contact Info:
Name: Scott Rownin
Organization: SafeRide, LLC
Address: 63 Osborne Hill Rd
Phone: 917-921-3707

Source URL: http://marketersmedia.com/saferide-launches-their-mobile-apps-to-combat-distracted-driving/232633

For more information, please visit https://gosaferide.com

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 232633

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