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San Diego Holistic Dentist Announces Availability Of Zirconia Implants For All Patients

September 05, 2019 – – San Diego Wellness Dentistry, a dental office operated by a holistic dentist based in San Diego, California, has announced that zirconia dental implants are now available for all patients. The holistic dentist, Dr. Sam K. Parsi, had observed that the zirconia dental implants are becoming more and more popular and therefore, he had made the necessary precautions to ensure that the implants can be made available to all patients.

The zirconia dental implants are used as an alternative to titanium implants. Zirconia is preferred to titanium because of its color that is similar to the color of teeth, its biocompatibility, strong mechanical properties, and low plaque affinity. While zirconia dental implants are not yet in routine clinical use, they have been gaining in popularity.

Dr. Parsi says, “Today’s dental implants are stronger and better than ever, and they also look completely natural. This advancement is thanks to the availability of zirconia dental implants, which originated in Europe and recently became available in the US. They are quickly becoming the preferred material for patients and dentists alike, due to their safety, effectiveness, and appearance.”

The zirconia dental implants are constructed from zirconia oxide, which is a ceramic-type material with a creamy white color, which blends well with a patient’s other natural teeth. Previously, titanium dental implants were the top choice because of their strength and light weight. One potential problem with titanium implants, however, is that nickel has to be added to make them strong enough for the function of a dental implant. Unfortunately, the CDC has estimated that up to 20 percent of the population is allergic to nickel.

As a holistic dentist, Dr. Parsi prefers zirconia implants because zirconia is naturally occurring and it is biocompatible. This means that the patient’s biological systems will not reject zirconia and will readily be accepted by the mouth and gum tissues. The key factor is for the body not to reject the implant such that it will not mount an immune response that will attack the foreign object. And unlike titanium, it does not need to be strengthened by nickel.

Titanium, while having been observed to react well with the body, is not considered to be biocompatible. This means that there is a risk of rejection. And what makes the problem more difficult is that while the body may not reject the titanium immediately, the patient could experience a reaction a number of months or years later after the implantation. This would be very inconvenient and costly as this will require the removal of the titanium implant and replacing it with a more biocompatible material.

Patients who have autoimmune disorders like lupus or Crohn’s disease will need to take extra precaution. Thus, zirconia implants are recommended for them.

Zirconia implants are preferred because they are biocompatible, hypoallergenic, metal-free, non-conductive, strong, corrosion-resistant, hygienic, and aesthetically pleasing. Because zirconia has a color similar to that of natural teeth, people will not notice that a patient is wearing dental implants, unlike with titanium dental implants, where the posts will appear gray and other people will likely notice it.

Dr. Parsi offers holistic wellness dentistry, which means that the treatments he provides are based on the principle that the various parts of the body are interrelated. Thus, a holistic treatment means to consider all of the contributing factors in the body. For instance, the way people sit, stand, breathe, and bite have been found to be closely related. The bite and oral health are closely related, and so is the position of the head and the jaw. As such, Dr. Parsi helps patient attain optimal health by changing their bite through orthodontics, jaw orthopedics, and more.

San Diego Wellness Dentistry has over 30 years of experience in providing dental services. Dr. Parsi is accredited to provide mercury safe dentistry with SMART protocols, using oxygen/ozone therapy, providing nutritional support and chirodontics to ensure optimal health and vitality of the patient, and using BPA-free biocompatible tooth color materials. He also offers various kinds of cosmetic dentistry services.

People who are looking for a holistic dentist, like Dr. Sam Parsi, can visit the San Diego Wellness Dentistry website or contact him on the phone or through email.


For more information about San Diego Wellness Dentistry, contact the company here:

San Diego Wellness Dentistry
Dr. Sam Parsi
(858) 485-6199
11777 Bernardo Plaza Court #106
San Diego, CA 92128

ReleaseID: 60030746

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