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San Diego’s Devastating Fall Incident Cues Comments From Construction Accident Lawyer

June 21, 2016 – – Thomas Moverman of LipsigLawyers.com commented on a recent development in San Diego, that left a local construction worker severely wounded. Moverman indicated that the frequency of construction accidents is growing at an alarming rate, and there is nothing that points to a decrease in construction worker injuries and fatalities. Attorney Moverman wishes the worker a quick, pain-free recovery and hopes the worker has the ability to return to work if he so chooses.

As reported by a local report from TimesOfSanDiego.com a local construction worker fell nearly 40 feet at an excavation site in Little Italy, on May 23rd, 2016. Co-workers immediately called local authorities, who sent rescue crews to the site as quickly as possible. The San Diego Fire Department Captain claims that emergency responders hoisted the man to safety by way of a rope system and placed the victim onto a stretcher. Shortly after, the man was transported to a local hospital, the severity of the man’s injuries is not currently known.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) concluded that in 2014 there were nearly 3,000,000 non-fatal injuries as a result of work. Nearly 250,000 of the 3 million non-fatal injuries during the calendar year, came as a result of slips, trips, and falls, as was the recent case in San Diego. However, many victims of slips, trips, and falls on average miss 9 days of work. Moreover, in 2014 there were 359 fatalities as a result of falls in the construction industry, which was the leading cause of death for construction workers in 2014.

The Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) is the organization that is tasked with overseeing the safety and well-being of all American workers. OSHA claims that there are 2.3 million construction workers currently working at any given time in the United States. OSHA states that there were nearly 900 fatalities in the construction industry in 2014.

Lipsig, Shapey, Manus, & Moverman are committed to assisting all construction accident victims and are proud to offer each victim a complimentary consultation. Thomas Moverman has had sizable successes working with previous construction accident victims in some cases helping clients secure financial compensation. For example, in one previous case, a client was awarded $1,750,000 following a scaffolding fall that left the client with brain trauma, severe back injuries and a fractured pelvis.

For more information on construction injuries, or for a consultation, contact an attorney with Lipsig, Shapey, Manus & Moverman at (646)-846-4496.


Contact LipsigLawyers.com:

Marc Freund
40 Fulton St, New York, NY 10038

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