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Smart Skink Marketing Offers Digital Marketing To Mortgage Brokers

September 18, 2015 – – Smart Skink Marketing, based in West Perth, WA, Australia, has announced that they now offer their digital marketing services to mortgage brokers. Having been formed by a mortgage broker, the company is uniquely qualified to offer these types of services. As such, they believe they are ready to take on the digital marketing requirements of mortgage brokers across West Perth and beyond.

“As a mortgage broker myself, I really know what it is that people look for,” says Sam Burnett from Smart Skink Marketing. “However, I also got to find out how people search for broker information, and the industry simply wasn’t ready for that. It is time for mortgage brokers to go online, and my company can help them.”

Recent research has shown that 91% of people who require a mortgage broker first spend time searching online. Usually, they want to find out what a broker can do for them, how these brokers have been experienced by others, and more. In general, they will actually search for this information using mobile technology, such as phones and tablets.

For Smart Skink Marketing, what matters is that many people look for mortgage broker information online, but they will struggle to find it. This is simply because the industry isn’t online yet. This is why they encourage all brokers to visit the website on smartskink.com. Details about the various services the company offers and how these are beneficial are listed there.

“We offer a number of different services that are beneficial to mortgage brokers,” adds Sam Burnett. “Clients can choose any or all of these services, depending on their current situation and where they want to go. The packages we offer include search engine optimization, web design & optimization, content marketing, and social media marketing. Put together, this is a true powerhouse of digital marketing work.”

For Smart Skink, the reality is that mortgage brokers are stuck in the past century. Now is the time to go digital, since so few have taken that step yet. This means that achieving the top position in terms of search rankings is much easier to achieve, but not for long.


Contact Smart Skink Marketing:

Sam Burnett
“1/100 Havelock St
West Perth WA 6005

ReleaseID: 60004068

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