Something Borrowed, Something New: Is it Ok to Recycle a Press Release?

Richardson, Texas, US, 06/26/2015 /SubmitPressRelease123/
For those who choose to send out multiple press releases regularly, it can be difficult to leave the past behind and resist the urge to reuse information from older releases. Some even fall into the trap of opting to make a few changes here and there to what ends up amounting to the same old release, with the same old message spelled out a different way. What’s more, this is done with the false hope that by sending out more of the refurbished old, new media attention will come and a press release will meet its perfect match. Ever heard the definition of insanity? For those who want to make their release appealing to ideal media contacts, here is some direction for moving forward.
Press release writing should not be treated as a monotonous chore. Cutting corners, trying to find ways to make the process easier just so that information can be put out about you or your company initiative is a disservice to your effort. These instruments make the case on behalf of your enterprise or organization for why your news is media worthy. Never sell yourself short, in the event that you become short on words. The press release gods won’t frown down on the use of information from old releases as long as a new spin is put on the new release. The union between old and new should not be obvious. The merger should form a unique synergistic element that produces a new response from journalists and other members of your target audience. The following are two ways to make sure it does:
Find missed opportunities from the old release – Did you forget to discuss a forthcoming product, or a company milestone in announcing a product launch? Oftentimes, there are items left out of old press releases about concurrent events that can serve as the basis of a great new release.
Write from a fresh perspective – A fresh perspective helps one see things in a new way. If you wrote your last release from the perspective of you as a marketer of your firm, try looking at things from the opposite end of the spectrum and step into the shoes of consumers.
The most important thing to remember is to pay close attention to what is in your press release, and ask yourself before sending it out: what does it really say? If there isn’t a valuable message contained therein for end users, then maybe some revision is in order.
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