Southwest Bindings Embraces Forest Stewardship Council Certification
Southwest Bindings, a leading manufacturer of office supplies and stationery reinforces their committment to the cause of the environmental protection with the Forest Stewardship Council certification.
Toronto, ON, Canada – April 25, 2018 /MarketersMedia/ —
Southwest Bindings has long been a proponent of responsible environmental stewardship, and eco-friendly practices have become the hallmark of its operations. Adhering to the rigorous guidelines issued by the Forest Stewardship Council has at times been challenging, but FSC certification has garnered praise for the company from customers who appreciate being able to contribute directly to environmental conservation.
The decision to ensure that all of their products were fully compliant with the FSC guidelines began in 2009. It was a bold decision in an industry that is both highly competitive and at the tail-end of a complicated chain of supply. On its own, Southwest Bindings was having difficulty validating the environmental practices of its suppliers. By adopting the FSC guidelines, it is now able to source raw materials from companies that have been vetted by the FSC and maintain a threshold of best practices when it comes to forest conservation and sustainability.
More importantly, however, FSC certification has allowed Southwest Bindings to offer its customers products that meet with their own commitment to protecting the environment. The response to the company’s partnership with the FSC has been overwhelmingly positive among clients who abide by similar principles in their own homes and workplaces. Indeed, an increase in customer satisfaction has been a pleasant by-product of Southwest Bindings’ decision to go green. For more information visit
Another side-effect of FSC certification has been an increase in environmental awareness among both the company’s staff and its customers across the country. It has raised discussions about the protection of animal habitats, the role of indigenous peoples in forest conservation, and a host of other issues central to safeguarding our natural world. As the awareness grows, so do the opportunities to take other personal and corporate steps that promote a healthier environment for future generations.
In retrospect, Southwest Bindings believes that its decision to take positive measures to reduce its ecological footprint hasn’t just been good for the environment – it’s been positive for business. The company is justifiably proud of maintaining its FSC certification and continues to embrace both the challenges and rewards of responsible environmental stewardship.
Contact Info:
Name: Sarah Cordeiro
Organization: Southwest Bindings
Address: 20 Dovedale Ct, Toronto, ON M1S 4G3
Phone: (416) 285-7044
Source URL:
For more information, please visit
Source: MarketersMedia
Release ID: 336854