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Stephanie Beck To Present Webinar On Facebook Advertising To Illinois Chiropractors

June 21, 2016 – – Stephanie Beck has announced that she will be presenting a webinar on June 21, 2016 for members of the Illinois Chiropractic Society (ICS). This webinar will demonstrate to them how they can maximize the benefits of Facebook advertising for their practice. Those who are interested can now register for the webinar, which is entitled “Maximizing Facebook Advertising“.

Stephanie Beck, Chief Social Officer for SRB Solutions, says: “The basic foundations to a good advertising campaign are simple; get the right message, to the right person at the right time and on the right device. Yet 90% of the time where most people lose the most marketing dollars is targeting the right people with the right offer. Facebook has made it so easy to your perfect target audience. During the webinar you will get the 5 strategies maximizing your dollars with Facebook Advertising.”

The ICS continually offers high quality education through an extensive online education series. This series has been built using webinar archives. Additionally, they have entered into an agreement with OnlineCE (ChiroCredit), which means Illinois chiropractors have access to a large database of courses, many of which will count towards their continuous education credits. SRB Solutions, an online marketing company, is equally committed to the continuous education of health and wellness professionals, specifically in terms of their internet marketing efforts.

The various webinars, including the one soon to be hosted by Stephanie, are designed to help chiropractors to keep up with the changes in the healthcare industry. It also focuses on advances in chiropractic treatments and diagnosis. Chiropractors in Illinois are encouraged to register for their course as soon as possible.

Stephanie is the author of three bestselling books on online marketing for health and wellness professionals. She also regularly writes columns in a variety of online and printed publications. She has dedicated the past 15 years of her career to enabling health and wellness professionals to embrace the digital revolution and to benefit from it without having to completely retrain in this area. She encourages all chiropractors to contact her for a free 15 minute conversation in which she can highlight some of the strategies that she recommends.


Contact SRB Solutions:

Stephanie Beck
7614 Beal St.
San Diego, CA 92111

ReleaseID: 60010748

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