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Sustainable Alternative Offered As Ban The Plastic Water Bottle Campaign Gains Momentum

September 22, 2015 – – Valley Cottage, NY based Futurepace Tech LLC has announced that it offers a sustainable alternative as the campaign to ban the plastic water bottle gains more followers. San Fancisco led the way in this increasingly popular ‘Ban the Bottle’ campaign. In fact, the city was the first in the country to ban the bottle on public property. This was quickly followed by Concord, MA.

Futurepace itself is proud to support not just the Ban the Bottle campaign, but to also encourage people to use tap water or filtered water, while offering an alternative container in the form of stainless steel bottles. Robyn Everingham from Futurepace Tech LLC says: “It has been wonderful to see so many cities banning the plastic bottle, as well as purchased water. The more cities that follow suit, the better the impact will be on our environment. We fully support this and encourage people to use our reusable, sustainable stainless steel bottles, filled with tap or filtered water.”

The Ban the Bottle campaign is a very hot topic right now. Many schools and universities across the country are taking part in this campaign, as they know that their students contribute tremendously to the amount of plastic bottles in waste that are generated. For example, Catholic schools are in the process of eliminating bottled water. The fact that entire cities are now following suit shows just how committed people are to protecting the planet as a whole.

Another specific area in which the plastic bottle ban is becoming stronger is in national parks. While there are still a few that sell water in plastic bottles, more and more are moving away from this. “National parks are encouraging people to bring their own bottles and fill them up from the taps,” adds Robyn Everingham. “They often provide other options such as Futurepace Tech’s sustainable alternative, offering people the opportunity to purchase something that they can reuse as often as they want.”

The impact of plastic bottles on the environment is tremendous and many people do not realize this. Even if people are committed to recycling their plastic, this still leaves a tremendous impact on the planet. The momentum of the campaign is on the rise as it promises great things in terms of the sustainability of the planet.


Contact Futurepace Tech LLC:

Robyn Everingham
845 400 1061
616 Corporate Way
Suite 2 – 6552

ReleaseID: 60003869

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