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Tangu Inc. of Atlanta GA Publishes New Article On New Year’s Resolution Ideas to Help People in Recovery Stay Sober

December 23, 2019 – –

Atlanta Georgia. Tangu Inc understands that goal setting is the best way to accomplish any New Year’s resolution. And to help readers live their best life, Tangu wants people to understand best practices for maintaining sobriety and for setting realistic goals for the New Year. For those that want to read the original article, see https://www.sites.google.com/view/tangu/new-years-resolutions-2020-for-sobriety.

For people in recovery from drugs or alcohol, Tangu Inc recommends setting goals that are SMART goals. Smart goals are an acronym for Smart, Realistic, Attainable and Timely. Just wanting to “be sober” for 2020 is not enough.

For those who are dealing with substance abuse disorder, or have recently completed an addiction treatment program, the New Year celebrations can be challenging due to all the triggers and stressors around. The pressure of having to stick with resolutions is also another thing that can put an unnecessary burden on someone.

Instead of having a vague resolution, Tangu Inc suggests that clients stick with a solid strategy that aims at a particular goal. In the long run, having tangible results can help people maintain their sobriety for 2020 and all the following years. Tangu encourages people who are struggling with drug addiction in Atlanta to see help at their Atlanta based addiction treatment center.

Tangu Inc suggests scheduling quality time with friends and family at least once per week. Repairing relationships after addiction does not occur overnight, so it is important to set the right expectations. People in recovery can take small steps towards stronger bonds by spending time and treating these moments as something worth prioritizing. Schedule these meetings and bonding sessions. Enjoy a home-cooked meal, watch a movie together, play board games, or do things one enjoys.

Tangu recommends focusing on communicating honestly and openly. Plan the New Year celebrations ahead of time. Tell them about one’s sobriety and how one’s attempt to maintain it, so that they can offer their support. If the event will involve drinks, try to limit one’s appearance or have a sober buddy to help keep a person on the right track.

Planning ahead is the best way to make sure triggers and temptations don’t have an impact on one’s sobriety.

New Year’s resolutions involving sobriety should be made into something concrete. So for those who are setting appropriate goals for 2020, it is a good idea to incorporate exercise and proper diet into the New Year plan. Unlike anything else, the body is the most concrete thing that clients have which they can measure and keep track of. If they take care of it, they will feel healthy.

Exercising regularly can help improve a person’s strength, flexibility, and even focus. This allows them to perform their regular tasks without problems. They feel good about themselves and are less likely to overindulge during this time of the year. Taking care of the body should be the top priority.

During substance abuse, a person overindulges in drugs or alcohol, and it creates a ton of problems within the body. So for the New Year, one good resolution is to finally make better choices for it. Break this resolution down into goals like drink eight glasses of water a day; sleep 8 hours a night; lift weights, etc. These goals are realistic and easy to achieve. One’s body will be thankful.

For those who are more religious and in touch with their spiritual side, one good goal is to attend more worship services regularly. Or if someone just wants to attend more AA meetings, therapy sessions, and support groups, these are great goals as well.

Tangu Inc. also encourages clients to be of service to others. Even small acts of kindness can reflect back onto them ane encourage good feelings.

The New Year is something many people are excited about, but it can be difficult for those who are in recovery. By setting realistic and attainable goals in place of the traditional resolutions, patients can maintain their sobriety and live their best life. As a leading Addiction Treatment Center in Atlanta, Tangu Inc welcomes people to visit their website or call for more information on addiction care.


For more information about Tangu Inc, contact the company here:

Tangu Inc
Dr. Walter Brooks
Dr. Walter Brooks
1820 Water Pl SE # 250
Atlanta, GA 30339

ReleaseID: 60033316

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