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TEFL Educator Releases Free Report On landing a job overseas teaching English

TEFL Educator is releasing a special report on how to find a job teaching English overseas. The publication offers a ten-week plan to organizing a job search, screening job offers, knowing what benefits to look for, researching an employer and accepting a job.

Phoenix, Arizona, USA – July 8, 2015 /PressCable/

TEFL Educator released their free report today: How to Teach English Overseas. This report offers solutions to and reveals a lack of knowledge about how to find a teaching jobs overseas and lack of knowledge about what foreign employers are looking for in teachers. The free report offers guidance on how to make yourself a sought-after candidate for that job teaching English as a foreign language (TEFL).

TEFL Educator owner Ted Tucker says that for too long people have been in the dark on the costs and problems associated with landing a job overseas teaching English. People often think this not real employment and don’t treat it seriously. This report helps to open the curtains on the industry and give regular people insights they won’t find elsewhere. The report offers a ten-week plan for organizing a search for employment overseas and all the things that must be considered in making the transition. From resumes to passports to banking accounts and visas. How to write a resume for international employment is a special section in this report.

The ten week plan offers guidance on training for a job teaching English overseas, how to decide which country is the best match in terms of lifestyle, wages and benefits. Everything from health insurance to accommodation to working conditions are reviewed.

Another important factor considered in this free publication is how to research an employer and make sure they have a good reputation and are likely to follow through on their promises. Finally a ten-point checklist is offered to help with the decision to to accept or reject an offer of employment.

The report can be downloaded free at http://teflbootcamp.com/resources-contact/efl-tefl….

About TEFL Educator

TEFL Educator was founded in 2006 and serves the Teaching English as a Foreign Language (TEFL) industry. It is known for Quality Online TEFL Training.

For more information about us, please visit http://www.TEFLbootcamp.com

Contact Info:
Name: Ted Tucker
Organization: TEFL Educator
Address: 610 E. Bell Road #348, Phoenix AZ 85022
Phone: 6028880334

Release ID: 86043

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