New Analysis of U.S. Data Uncovers Missing Voter Segment

( August 26, 2016 – A newly released analysis by Drs. Martin Block and Don Schultz of the Medill School of Integrated Marketing Communications at Northwestern University has uncovered a voter segment who may not be participating in polls, but may determine the election. According to the analysis, this group of potential voters represents about 30% of the population and may play a significant role in determining next president of the United States.
“Given their size, the ‘Other or None’ group can potentially sway the election, should they be energized to vote,” said Dr. Don Schultz, Professor, Emeritus-in-Service, IMC, The Medill School, Northwestern University. “Whether or not the rambunctious antics of the candidates can or will solidify this group is yet to be seen. What is clear, however, is that they exist and can be identified. Whether or not they can be mobilized for one party/candidate or the other is what will be learned on November 7th.”
By analyzing a sample of 16,121 people that was balanced to reflect the demographic of the entire country in an annual media and shopping behaviors survey fielded by Prosper Insights & Analytics, Block and Schultz found that nearly 30% of the respondents refused to provide answers regarding party affiliation for a series of questions dealing with this year’s presidential election. They did, however, respond to over 300 other data points in the survey, providing key insights about a potential voter group that could very well swing the election.
“This group does not fit with other potential voters on the major factors believed to be important to other respondents. They are much more disinhibited than the other groups with all the potential ramifications that may have in terms of their decision-making processes,” said Dr. Martin Block, IMC, The Medill School, Northwestern University. “Additionally, when it comes to the issues, this group seems much more emotional than rational on the supposed issues facing the country.
“There are major implications for the type of information and the media forms that the candidates should be using to communicate with different groups. The Other group is a special problem,” continued Block.
To view the complete interview with Drs. Schultz and Block on, click here.
To download the special analysis in its entirety, click here.
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Release ID: 248905
Source: PRLeap