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A New Age Dawns in Sci-fi Action Fantasy with RC Henningsen’s launch of Being There Awakenings- a True Fan Interactive Series

(PRLeap.com) Tuesday May 17th – New York – Sci-fi fans the world over will be excited about today’s launch of Being There Awakenings, a trend setting original true interactive series by author RC Henningsen who is offering readers the chance of a lifetime… the chance to not only become a character in the next addition to the ongoing Being There Series beginning with ‘Being There Discovery… The Early Years’, but to take part in the creative process as well by helping to develop, guide and even re-direct the course of the story line.

Picture it… your name as a character, immortalized in print, for the world to see! It can happen! Because today the ‘Being There Series’ of fan interactive novels will be launching, around the world.

Now this is not just your average sci-fi, action fantasy. It is the debut novel of what some are calling the most exciting new concept in literature to come along in a century… The True Fan Interactive Series. Not only will each addition to the series thrill and entertain you, it will also provide you and other readers like you the opportunity to help develop, guide and even redirect the course of the story line by providing your input on such important topics as;

  • Naming characters, planets and galaxies.
  • Helping to develop and name new alien life forms.
  • Selecting artwork and covers to be used for each addition to the series.
  • Selecting scene locations and whether or not it is on this planet.
  • Helping to develop all types of equipment from transports and battle gear to exciting new weapons technology and what types of robotics will be used in the story line.
  • And of course, submitting character and chapter ideas to be reviewed for inclusion in the series.
  • In addition, like an Emperor of Rome, and on occasion, you may be called upon to decide the fate of one or more of the characters in this open end series. Will it be thumbs up… or down?

    By joining in the fun at BeingThereAwakenings.com you will become and insider and will be among the first to know each exciting new development in the series because you will be part of the team.

    Plus each addition to the series offers another chance to become a character to be immortalized in print forever… Just like Chris and Connor, brothers from Long Island, NY who make their debut appearance in “Being There Awakenings” the first story of the series.

    Tuesday, May 17th also marks the beginning of the search for the next character to be added to the second book of the series, “Being There Discovery… The early years”

    What should you expect of ‘Being There Awakenings’? The beta reviews have been tremendously positive for ages 25 to 65… This excerpt from New York Times Best Selling Author, Peggy McColl shares the general consensus;

    “This is a fast pace novel for a reader looking for entertainment. Be prepared to fall in love with the characters and feel joy, suspense, sadness and excitement all in one sitting. I shall also warn you, from personal experience, of the attachment and bond you may form with Christian, Amy, CB and of course, Mr. and Mrs. Asher. I eagerly await the next novel of the series and look forward to witnessing the greatness that will surely come from this one. Kudos to the author on a truly amazing, thrilling and inventive world created. It was a pleasure to read. To all whom are holding this book right now, I will not keep you any longer from immersing yourself…”

    The fun begins today, May 17th with the launch of ‘Being There Awakenings’ when you can pick up an e-book version at special launch day pricing of $3.99 and receive Free Bonus Gifts worth thousands of dollars as well as getting your first chance to be added to the cast of characters in the ‘Being There’ series…

    To experience this once in a lifetime opportunity and to pick up your copy and your free bonus gifts, go to BeingThereAwakenings.com We look forward to seeing you on the inside!

    RC Henningsen


    You can see the original version and more on PRLeap here: http://www.prleap.com/pr/246157/a-new-age-dawns-in-sci-fi-action-fantasy-with

    Release ID: 246157

    Source: PRLeap

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