Digital Brand Manager is a hot new job commanding a $130-140K starting salary according to Janco Associates

( September 21, 2016 – Park City, UT – Janco Associates ( has just created a full 6 page 1,700 plus word job description for a Digital Brand Manager. The Digital Brand Manager is responsible for the digital consumer experiences across the entire enterprise and its operations.
The CEO of Janco, Victor Janulaitis said, “The Digital Brand Manager helps a company drive growth in its brands and product lines by converting traditional physical brand management process to social media ones, and over-sees the rapidly changing digital sectors like mobile applications, social media and Internet based marketing.”
The president said, “in the course of our review of IT positions we have discovered the evolution of this new technology based position which does not report to IT “. He added, “The position commands a high starting salary – between $130 to 140K and exists in many leading edge organizations. Just now it is being created as a standalone position as next year’s budgets are being formalized.”
Janco continues to update its inventory of IT job descriptions as technology advances across more disciplines and operations. To that end, in addition to the Digital Brand Manager, Janco has added position descriptions for the Chief Digital Officer as enterprises move to more of it intellectual assets to the electronic world, Chief Mobility Officer to deal with the advance of mobile computing; Manager Vendor Management as more services are contracted for on the outside; and KPI Analyst to address the needs of showing the value of technology in business terms.”
All of Janco’s job descriptions have all been updated to meet the latest mandated requirements, BYOD support and Enterprise Resource Planning positions. They are published as individual MS word files and are contained in Janco’s IT Position HandiGuide. That document is distributed in electronic format – both PDF and editable MS WORD.
Included within the HandiGuide are tools to help expand, evaluate and define an enterprise’s unique IT Human Resource requirements. Those tools include:
The Job Descriptions are all compliant with PCI-DSS, Sarbanes-Oxley, HIPAA, CobiT, and the ITIL standards. The job descriptions are all structured to focus on “Best Practices” as defined by the IT Productivity Center to meet the requirements of World Class Enterprises.
More information on this offering, including a full copy of the table of contents can be obtained by following the links:
Janco is an international consulting firm that follows issues that concerns CIOs and CFOs and publishes a series of IT and business infrastructure HandiGuidesĀ® and Templates including a Disaster Recovery/Business Continuity Template, Security Template and its semi-annual IT Salary Survey.
Victor Janulaitis
Janco Associates, Inc.
435 940-9300
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Release ID: 249481
Source: PRLeap