MBC introduces new weight loss tool without surgery

(PRLeap.com) September 10, 2016 – Mexicali Bariatric Center, Mexico’s #1 weight loss program, announces that patients not eligible for surgery can still lose those extra pounds with the Spatz 3 Adjustable Balloon System. “This is for patients that want to lose 15 to 20 pounds but can’t with regular diet and excersie”, a spokesperson of MBC said. “With a proper diet and following doctor’s instructions, some may lose up to 50 pounds.”
The Spatz 3 Adjustable Balloon is one of the most innovative weight loss products in the market. It offers the first adjustable one year balloon for weight loss which yields better patient comfort and longer weight loss. During that year, the balloon can be adjusted multiple times, thereby achieving a customized fit with greater weight loss.
The intragastric balloon Spatz 3 offers great advantages vs. other commonly implanted devices. One of them is that it is the only intragastric balloon on the market that can withstand the acids in the stomach during 12 continuous months. This achieves a better long-term outcome, since the patient achieves full for all this time and can change your eating habits and change your lifestyle.
The intragastric balloon Spatz 3 is placed under endoscopic vision in a simple outpatient process that lasts an hour. It is done under sedation with an anesthesiologist always present to ensure patient safety. The endoscope is inserted and the gastric cavity is reviewed to avoid situations where we can not place a ball, for example hiatal hernia, bleeding or active gastritis. Once the valuation study is conducted, at that moment the intragrastric balloon on the endoscope is assembled and passed through the mouth while the patient is under sedation. The patient will feel no discomfort or pain when the balloon is implanted.
Once we’ve put the balloon into the gastric cavity, we check its position and began to inflate. Another of the great advantages of the Spatz 3 Intragastric Balloon is that it can be adjusted. This is important in each case to customize the size of the patient’s stomach. We can enter with a volume of 400ml to 500ml, achieving a feeling of early satiety without the feeling of nausea from other devices. It facilitates the recovery period is much faster and in less than 24 hours to return to their normal activities. However, if patients require greater weight loss or increased satiety during the 12 months under a simple, outpatient endoscopic procedure, we can add more volume to the ball reaching up to 800ml.
The ball has an internal security valve and its first security protocol is to inflate it with with saline solution and methylene blue. If the balloon gets to present a leak, we would realize it quickly and change it if necessary. Inside also has a J type valve which prevents the balloon from migrating into the intestine and cause complications. In turn, it has an outer catheter that can elongate or stretch to get it through the mouth and submit adjustments or misalignments, this helps avoid withdrawals if insufficient tolerance or prevent weight loss.
During the first 72 hours the patient may develop nausea, cramps and vomiting. This is usually controlled with medication and in some cases a catheter is left in the vein to go introduce medication. The patient can exercise, travel, fly, do underwater activities, there is no contraindication against exercise. We recommend a specific diet during the first 72 hrs and then follow a program in which the patient to change his eating habits and improve your lifestyle, this so that at the time of removal the patient can maintain their weight long-term.
At Mexicali Bariatric Center, Mexico’s number one weight loss program, we have the foremost experts in this and other procedures. Dr. Edgar Campos, is a certified clinical bariatric nutritionist specialized in Nutritional Evaluation, long term follow up of most bariatric surgical procedures. He’s also Spatz 3 certified and a member of the Mexican College for Obesity Surgery and Metabolical Illnesses. Dr. Edgar Campos, one of the most talented names in the weight loss industry, recently lectured students on the Spatz 3 Adjustable Balloon at “Ruben LeƱero” Hospital in Mexico City.
Mexicali Bariatric Center
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Source: PRLeap