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“Watch Out Woman,” Last of Travis Edward Pike’s Restored Songs from the 1966 movie, “Feelin’ Good,” Is Now On YouTube

(PRLeap.com) October 10, 2016 – After the record-breaking Rhode Island flood of 2010, it was believed that all the extant prints of the 1966 movie, “FEELIN’ GOOD,” and with them, all the songs and performances in the movie, were lost.

In 2014, having completed recording almost all of Travis’ back catalog of songs he wrote and performed in the late sixties, Travis and his youngest brother, Adam, decided to re-record seven of the eight lost songs from FEELIN’ GOOD, and released them, along with four other songs, in a CD album they called “FEELIN’ BETTER.

Then, in 2015, their brother, Gregory, retrieved five cans of film that had been in the flooded vault under the screening room at their father’s cottage in Wakefield, Rhode Island, shipped them to Travis, who took them to Deluxe Media in Hollywood for digitizing, and these restored sequences are the happy result.

Of ten original songs Travis Pike wrote for the FEELIN’ GOOD, only five were salvageable from the badly faded print, three performed by Travis with the Brattle Street East, and two performed by a Waltham, Massachusetts group, The Montclairs.

Three restored songs, “I Beg Your Pardon,” shot on a Swan Boat in Boston Public Garden, “The Way That I Need You,” and today’s YouTube release, “Watch Out Woman,” from the concert sequence on the Charles River Esplanade, feature Travis.

As for the on-screen action, The Brattle Street East, (Rob Cavicchio, Jerry Ney, Frank Werner, and Dave Connors) provide the music, for Travis’ vocal, and the rest of the principal cast (Patricia Ewing, Judi Reeve, Leslie Burnham, and Ron Stafford), all appear among the party-goers.

“Watch Out Woman” was the second song of the concert on the banks of the Charles, and the ranks of the party-goers had begun to swell, especially if one counts the passengers and crews of the flotilla of small sailboats, some running quite close to the riverbank, trying to get in on the action.

As near as we know, none of them ran aground, no party-goers, fish or other wildlife were injured during the filming, and when the concert was over, everybody left “FEELIN’ GOOD!”

( If you simply have to compare the song from the 1966 movie with the 2014 version, CLICK HERE!)

Travis Pike
Otherworld Cottage Industries
323 733 1074

You can see the original version and more on PRLeap here: http://www.prleap.com/pr/249929/watch-out-woman-last-of-travis-edward-pikes

Release ID: 249929

Source: PRLeap

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