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The Language of Lust – Lawrence Lanoff Releases Groundbreaking Dating & Relationship Program For Men

The Language of Lust is the latest program by relationship coach and expert, Lawrence Lanoff that promises to help man attract the woman of their dreams.

Los Angeles, United States – June 16, 2015 /PressCable/

Lawrence Lanoff’s latest program for men, “The Language of Lust” was designed to help men understand and navigate the sometimes confusing world of attracting women by communicating in a “language” that women understand. Lanoff’s premise is that the differences in the genders often create barriers to sexual fulfillment, even if both parties are amenable. By speaking in language that the opposite gender can relate to, the barrier comes down.

Publisher Digital Romance Inc. has released the product for early reviews to several relationship bloggers like John Miller on LorenBennet.org who hailed it as a “survival guide for men.” The program doesn’t promise to be the answer to all life’s questions, just to provide a solid foundation to engaging women in dialogue and communication that will result in healthy, consensual, (safe) relationship.

You can find the official website at LanguageOfLust.com.

In a nutshell the Language of Lust provides 33 tricks, techniques, and phrases which it promises if done correctly will awaken women’s interest. As the reviews will show, this is not a program for everyone nor will every male feel comfortable using them. Lanoff’s technique’s often involve using emotions from previous relationships to the reader’s advantage or coaxing someone into wanting more even though the woman doesn’t feel “in the mood” simply by using phrases and words that women respond to in a meaningful way. Lawrence walks men through the process of not only breaking down barriers, but doing so in such a way that the female feels like the aggressor.

With sections like: The Madonna Moan, The “Just Coffee Mind Lay” Technique, The 4 Minute Eye Gaze there is something for every man from the experienced, to the “can’t get a date” type. There are tips to attract women to discuss their kinkiest fantasies, as well as, how to get a woman to use the man in front of her as a way of getting revenge on her boyfriend or ex boyfriend. The publisher and author does make no pretense that this is a book that someone would read after church or that it will improve anyone’s reputation at a nice guy. It is nothing more than a system men can use to get women to have a relationship with them.

Based on early Language of Lust reviews like that of John Miller’s: “Language of Lust will show you how to attract the woman you always dreamed of,” it appears to have a ready made audience and collection of male fans already.

Digital Romance Inc. produces relationships “self help” guides for men and women. Lawrence Lanoffs “Language of Lust” is the latest in a series of successful guides and programs that have helped countless men and women get off the launch pad with the opposite gender. John Miller’s uncut Language of Lust Review can be found at https://www.lorenbennett.org/reviews/the-language-of-lust

For more information about us, please visit https://www.lorenbennett.org/

Contact Info:
Name: John Miller
Organization: LB

Release ID: 84512

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