The Top Health Publishes New Editorial About The Benefits Of Ayuverdic Oil Pulling has published a new guide making people aware of the benefits of oil pulling, an ancient ayuverdic technique for drawing toxins out of the body with history’s first mouthwash.
New York, NY, United States of America – July 15, 2015 /MarketersMedia/ —
Oil pulling is an unusual technique developed hundreds of years ago in India, under the tradition of ayuverdic medicine. Putting a tablespoon of oil into the mouth and pushing it through the teeth, swilling it around the mouth and allowing it to rest there is said to have numerous health benefits when performed for 10-15 minutes a day. The Top Health has published a new article about these benefits, to help more people discover the practice and feel its effects for themselves.
The editorial describes what is oil pulling, how to undertake oil pulling, how to build up a tolerance to the practice and how it will positively affect those who do. The technique is used for drawing toxins out of the body through the saliva glands, and also has the beneficial effects of speeding up metabolism, which can make a real difference to those seeking to lose weight.
The article is just one of many on the website that discuss how natural remedies and everyday ingredients help people support and improve their own health and wellbeing. The site offers advice on using coconuts, honey, turmeric and other ingredients for everything from muscle building to homemade deodorant.
A spokesperson for The Top Health explained, “The Top Health is pleased to be able to introduce oil pulling to new audiences. This unusual technique has been demonstrated to have tangible effects on the body, and help people move toward the kind of discipline and routine that will help them live fuller, healthier and even longer lives. Our oil pulling resources are based on extensive research and personal experience, so individuals can rest assured that all the information they need has been represented on our site. We look forward to introducing more new techniques to the site in the coming months.”
About The Top Health: The Top Health aims to help people who want to live organically and use nature as their pharmacy. They provide regularly updated content including well researched health remedies, as well as information on how to make natural products at home that are safe for individuals and their families to use as medicinal alternatives to pharmaceuticals.
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Contact Info:
Name: Julius Christensen
Organization: The Top Health
Phone: 27711424690
Release ID: 86813