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Thermalabs Upcoming Brand To Revolutionize Organic Healthcare

Thermalabs upcoming organic healthcare brand is set to cause a stir in the healthcare products market.

Thermalabs Upcoming Brand To Revolutionize Organic Healthcare

New York, United States – June 15, 2016 /MarketersMedia/

Thermalabs Organic healthcare is on its final leg towards launching the first batch of products. Although the company still hasn’t revealed the specifics of the products that it’ll be creating, it has indicated that the new brand will be a game-changer. The company announced its Organic Healthcare efforts earlier last month, following up recent announcements where Thermalabs revealed plans to expand beyond its traditional influence in self-tanning products. To date, the company has a total of three sub-brands manufacturing and distributing products in different areas of the cosmetics industry.

Thermalabs is a premier American company that was established some three years ago. Starting with an introductory self-tanning lotion known as ‘the Original Self Tanner’, Thermalabs has been able to cultivate a global community spanning hundreds of thousands of loyal customers. According to company insiders and industry critics, Thermalabs exclusive focus on top-quality formulations has been a major success point. Although headquartered in Ney York City, Thermalabs operates a number of production factories in other parts of the world. The firm has so far contributed at least 16 distinct products to the global cosmetics space.

Thermalabs Organic Healthcare will be a new line of exclusive products meant to restore strength, health, and vigor. According to Thermalabs, these will be 100% organic and handmade products designed to boost healthy. The company is looking to offset a trend whereby processed foods common in the modern lifestyles are leading to all sorts of ill-health nightmares much later in life. Thermalabs motivation is to realize the kind of health and physical robustness enjoyed by human ancestors.

Products under this umbrella brand will be handmade by talented artisans. The company will be sourcing ingredients from the mountains of Galilee in Israel, which include Mount Carmel, Mount Hermon, Mount Gilboa and Mount Lebanon, among many others. According to Thermalabs, a set of comprehensive harvesting procedures for ingredients will make sure that each herb, seed or plant’s intrinsic value is transferred to the end product. Thermalabs will be counting on over 1000 years of ancient wisdom in lasting healthcare to make its products. The key secrets will be borrowed from the life’s work of the Ramban, who was a preeminent Jewish scholar, physician, and astronomer born in 1135.

Thermalabs co-coordinator for marketing, Mr. Howard, said, “At this stage, we’re in the final leg of laying out the product blueprints for Thermalabs Organic Healthcare. This will certainly be a great new launch by Thermalabs that will revolutionize organic healthcare. For far too long, over-reliance on fast foods and processed consumables has proved to be a costly habit, leading to all sorts of negative health conditions, from cancer to ill mental health. Our new brand will feature exclusive handmade products, made by talented artisans at our Israeli factory. More importantly, all ingredients will be sourced from the mountainous areas in the Galilee region of Israel. This will definitely be a new killer brand that will help restore the robust physical energy and resilience that our ancestors enjoyed back then.”

For more information, please visit http://www.thermalabs.com/home

Contact Info:
Name: Jennifer Parker
Organization: Thermalabs

Video URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcxFn_D9gsM

Source: http://marketersmedia.com/thermalabs-upcoming-brand-to-revolutionize-organic-healthcare/119647

Release ID: 119647

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