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TopRecommendedProfessional.com Announces Top Performers for the week of April 25, 2018.

TopRecommendedProfessional.com a website that accepts nominees from the top professionals, worldwide, is pleased to announce the selected top performers for the week of April 25, 2018.

Tampa, FL, USA – April 25, 2018 /MarketersMedia/

TRP recognizes Michael B. Marsh as a top professional in digital marketing for the accounting profession.

“Accounting is the most profitable business in the world according to Forbes and Entrepreneur Magazine. But many accountants struggle because as a group they are probably the worst marketers on the planet. The few that learn to properly convey their TRUE VALUE to their market will have huge success.”

For more information or to contact Michael B. Marsh visit

TRP recognizes TripBeetle as a top professional in wellness for the business traveler.

“Frequent business trips can make us sacrifice our health, hurt our career longevity, and put a strain on relationship with loved ones. I solve this by harnessing the power of wellness practices from countries around the world. Yes, business trips can contribute to your career success and health!”

For more information or to contact TripBeetle visit

TRP recognizes Nanci Ayres as a top professional in accounting for e-commerce and small businesses.

“Accurate up-to-date accounting reports are essential to determining your companies viability. Just because you have cash in the bank, doesn’t necessarily mean your business is profitable.”

For more information or to contact Nanci Ayres visit

TRP recognizes Huong Tran as a top professional in Network Marketing.

“Positioning yourself as an authority is the single most important thing you can do to increase your perceived value to your market place.”

For more information or to contact Huong Tran visit

TRP recognizes William Piracci as a top professional in publishing books for entrepreneurs that deserve the recognition and authority that comes with being an author.

“Being a published author is great for getting attention because a book can be a multi-purpose marketing tool with the unique ability to create attention that can be turned into almost anything the author wants — sales, media, word of mouth, authority.”

For more information or to contact William Piracci visit

TRP recognizes ReferralStorm, Inc. as a top professional in referral marketing.

“We all know word of mouth referrals are the lifeline of any business. Our easy to use platform makes word of mouth referrals spread from friend to friend and across the web quick and easy! Any business can use ReferralStorm to obtain easy referrals. Contact Steve Erwin at ReferralStorm Today!”

For more information or to contact ReferralStorm, Inc. visit

Contact Info:
Name: Greig Wells
Organization: TopRecommendedProfessional.com

Source URL: https://marketersmedia.com/toprecommendedprofessional-com-announces-top-performers-for-the-week-of-april-25-2018/336849

For more information, please visit http://www.TopRecommendedProfessional.com

Source: MarketersMedia

Release ID: 336849

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