Troy Warren Appoints Christine Cipriano & Ferlie Almonte as Barter Trade City Ambassador for the Westchester County, NY eBarterExchange
August 23, 2016 – – Troy Warren, host of LetsTalkBusinessRadio.Com, announced today the launch of eBarterExchange.Com in Westchester County, NY. Warren has appointed Christine Cipriano and Ferlie Almonte as the Westchester County Trade City Ambassadors. Cipriano and Almonte coordinate Trade and Networking Events for business owners in the greater Westchester County area.
Warren commented, “I’m honored to these two vivacious, positive, empowered women supporting Westchester County. Their heart centered and purpose driven approach to their business and desire to help others to prosper are indiciative of the mission of our Westchester County eBarterExchange network.”
Cipriano and Almonte can be reached at (917) 838-7080 to learn more about the Westchester County eBarterExchange as well as arranging to speak about barter at business networking events.
Cipriano mentioned, “eBarterExchange redefines the meaning of FOCAL TOUCHPOINT in accelerating business growth among professionals and small business owners. There is something truly remarkable and magical about supporting each other’s businesses by first, experiencing the incredible value of one’s service or product, then becoming living testimonials and a referral machines for one another. The noble intention and the spirit behind eBarterExchange promotes goodwill, builds friendships and helps businesses succeed in so many dimensions. TOGETHER, WE ALL SOAR INTO OUR GREATNESS. How cool is that?”
Almonte said, “I’m exhilarated over this trail blazing idea of virtual networking and collaboration. A potent fusion of geniuses utilizing the integration of the old barter trading practice with the ever evolving high tech world. eBarterExchange provides a very diverse menu of products and services offered in an efficient, profitable, and cost effective way. This marketing concept is old fashioned but revolutionary at the same time. This puts Marketing and Networking on steroids, delivering High Octane Business Growth to those who understand and work the system optimally!”
In addition to the launch of the Westchester County, NY exchange today, Trade City Ambassador Therese Prentice launched the Jacksonville, FL barter exchange. is launching in 81 major metropolitans and each has a Trade City Ambassador to facilitate trade and networking events in each city while the company supports the Members and Trade City Ambassadors from its offices in Chandler, AZ and Evanston, IL.
Troy Warren is writing a book on all facets of BARTER and TRADE entitled “The Forgotten Currency – Barter For What You Want Without Using Cash” that reveals how to increase revenues and decrease expenses.
Contact Westchester County eBarterExchange:
Christine Cipriano – Ferlie Almonte
(917) 838-7080
ReleaseID: 60012014