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Troy Warren Appoints Daryl Thompson as Barter Trade City Ambassador for the Houston, TX eBarterExchange

July 30, 2016 – – Troy Warren, host of LetsTalkBusinessRadio.Com, announced today the launch of eBarterExchange.Com in Houston, TX. Warren has appointed Daryl Thompson as the Houston Trade City Ambassador. Thompson coordinates Trade and Networking Events for business owners in the greater Houston area.

Warren commented, “I am very excited for the Houston barter exchange Members because of Daryl’s vast experience of working with the “Who’s-Who” of marketing and publishing giants, including Kevin Harrington, original “Shark” on the hit TV series “Shark Tank”, the $600 million Agora Publishing Group, Weiss Research, InsurMark, Options University, Business Financial Publishing and Rising Star Stocks, as well as several other internet marketing experts.”

Thompson can be reached at (713) 824-0309 to learn more about the Houston eBarterExchange as well as arranging to speak about barter at business networking events.

Thompson said, “Joining forces with eBarterExchange.com – America’s best small business growth solution – is exciting beyond belief. That’s because – quite frankly – current government financial regulations and other policies are stifling small business and entrepreneurial activity. Loans to small businesses are almost impossible to get via conventional means, for example, and eBarterExchange offers a powerful solution to that potential business-killing scenario.”

In addition to the launch of the Houston, TX exchange today, Trade City Ambassador Sarah Hurty launched the Portland, OR barter exchange. eBarterExchange.com is launching in 63 major metropolitans and each has a Trade City Ambassador to facilitate trade and networking events in each city while the company supports the Members and Trade City Ambassadors from its offices in Chandler, AZ and Evanston, IL.

Warren commented, “I am truly excited to be launching the eBarterExchange network because it helps all business owners leverage their goods and services and increase their buying power and reduce expenses at the same time. The barter industry has truly helped business owners particularly in down economies like we have experienced since 2008. Barter transactions have climbed over $16 billion annually in the USA alone and there does not seem to be an end in sight.”


Contact Houston eBarterExchange:

Daryl Thompson
(713) 824-0309

ReleaseID: 60011716

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