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Tubbergen Interviews Dan Pilla helping Retirees Aspiring to Become Entrepreneurs

Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio releases its unbiased interview with Dan Pilla, author of “Dan Pilla’s Small Business Tax Guide”. Host Dennis Tubbergen talks with Dan Pilla specifically about retirees looking at buying or starting a small business as 2nd career.

Grand Rapids, United States – February 24, 2020 /PressCable/

Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio Host Dennis Tubbergen recently aired an in depth interview with Dan Pilla, tax expert and author of “Dan Pilla’s Small Business Tax Guide” with a focus on helping Retirees as Aspiring Entrepreneurs. The aim of Retirement Lifestyle Advocates is to provide the most relevant and useful information to retirees in their retirement journey, so they may move ahead with confidence regardless whether they want to explore world travel, enjoy new hobbies, start a small business, upgrade their homes or try new activities.

While it may seem unusual to some, many retirees are looking at buying or starting a small business as 2nd career. Today, a significant number of people who retire from a long career aspire to become small business owners, to explore their entrepreneurial ambitions, and they appreciate sound guidance to help them achieve success and keep them out of trouble.

Frequently, interviews and reviews simply discuss the positive selling points of an authors book, such as the common mistakes small business owners make and how to avoid them, which is great…but as Pilla says in this interview, ” It’s not enough to be the creative genius behind your company, you also have to keep your company compliant with the IRS”.

On Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio Show, host Dennis Tubbergen covers the more critical aspects of an authors work as well, for example, reminding the audience that while Pilla’s book is an excellent resource, it’s not a substitute for professional financial planning and tax advice. A professional advisor familiar with your financial goals can help you design a strategy that both helps you reach your goals and is tax smart…

Dennis Tubbergen endeavors to go one step further in his mission to provide more value to retirees looking at buying or starting a small business as 2nd career by providing specific takeaways for his listeners. Some examples of such specific advice is found below.

On this week’s Retirement Lifestyle Advocates Radio Show, Host Dennis Tubbergen talks with author and tax expert Dan Pilla about his newest book, “Dan Pilla’s Small Business Tax Guide”. In their conversation they covers important topics including whether an LLC, Subchapter S corporation or partnership is best, what you need to know about using independent contractors, and understanding the complex new rules for business meals and entertainment expenses. Plus much, much more!

Retirement Lifestyle Advocates got its start in 2001, founded by Dennis Tubbergen, Fredrick Gearhart and Mark Klipsch. The idea for the company came about when, after twenty plus years in financial services, the three partners recognized that today’s retiree’s were healthier, wealthier, and had ambitions and dreams yet to achieve. Today’s retiree needs far more than a financial help.

Ever since, Retirement Lifestyle Advocates has made a point to provide the most value and best information to retirees looking for help to achieve their dreams of travel, health, legacy, and even buying or starting a small business as a 2nd career. The Retirement Lifestyle Advocates web page encompasses about over 100 resources including the audio and transcribed interviews with financial experts, plus their own books, and newsletters.

Retirement Lifestyle Advocates’s complete interview with Dan Pilla about his book “Dan Pilla’s Small Business Tax Guide” can be found at https://www.retirementlifestyleadvocates.com

Contact Info:
Name: Mark Klipsch
Email: Send Email
Organization: Retirement Lifestyle Advocates
Address: 961 Four Mile Road NW, Grand Rapids, MI 49544, United States
Website: https://www.retirementlifestyleadvocates.com

Source: PressCable

Release ID: 88947679

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