Two Twitter Marketing Tips That Help Businesses Gain and Maintain Followers
Dallas, Tx, 09/29/2015 /SubmitPressRelease123/
When it comes to social media marketing today many businesses are on a continuous search for the ideal way to find followers on top social network Twitter. After all, more followers means that more people will see the marketing messages that a business posts, and potentially be converted into a customer if the Tweet resonates well with them. Businesses that are seeking to increase their Twitter following can do so with two easy steps that are both cost-effective and time efficient.
Getting the Most Use Out of 140 Characters
Many businesses are intimidated by the character limit on Twitter and waste their Tweet space with messages that don’t have any real intended purpose. They believe that the simple act of Tweeting alone can do wonders for their brand reputation. This isn’t always so. There are goals for sending out marketing driven Tweets that should be properly assessed before composing any Tweet used for social media marketing. These include:
Ensuring that a message is read by those who are currently following a business on Twitter
Targeting messages so that readers can find them relevant and become more likely to convert to customers based on the content
And of course, gaining new followers
Developing messages with a goal in mind can help one steer clear of the typical types of Tweets that get lost in the Twittersphere, never to be read or retweeted again.
Social media marketing expert Macy English of SocialCentiv says that when marketing on Twitter for business purposes there are several other key things to remember. One especially important consideration she says is learning how to use the 140 character limit wisely. According to Beacom, “the use of targeted keywords and sharing things that users find relevant to the needs they have expressed in their own tweets can go a long way in making these short messages highly effective for catching the eye of potential customers.”
The Utilization of Intent Based Marketing to Find Potential Customers on Twitter
Beacom’s company is the developer of a popular Twitter marketing tool that combs through thousands of conversations on the social network to find those that are relevant to what their business clients offer and essentially joins in on them. This tactic, says the Twitter marketing expert “is derived from intent based marketing.”
According to Beacom, “if there is no intent expressed on the part of a potential customer to make a purchase there is no guarantee that they will find what you have to say to be of any value to them at all. When a business has a tool like SocialCentiv at their disposal, there is no need to wonder if a prospect will find an offer relevant to their needs. The research has already been done for businesses and they know the customers they reach out to have already acknowledged that they have a need related to what a business can and is willing to provide.”
For Additional Twitter Marketing Support
In addition to keeping the two aforementioned tips in mind, it may be helpful to consult with an expert in the field of social media marketing to learn how to best deliver targeted messages to audiences on Twitter to achieve a higher level of success for the specific needs of any business. Beacom says that the common consensus among her company’s clients is that by enlisting professional support “far more prospective customers visit the websites and ultimately accept business offers sent out through Twitter marketing messages than the number of those who would otherwise.”
More information about Beacom or SocialCentiv can be found by visiting
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Macy English, SocialCentiv Twitter Marketing Expert
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